Why did the American colonies rebel against Great Britain? (Political, Social, Economic, or Philosophical reasons?)
Political Cartoon Analysis Step 1: What do you see? Do not jump ahead to guessing what the meaning of anything is, simply identify what words and images are there in front of your face. Step 2: What do you know? Or what can you infer? (what do you think you know) Now use your knowledge of history and the world, and make guesses about the time period, place, historical background, and what the symbols, images, and abbreviations represent. Step 3: What do you think the message is? Now that you’ve looked at all the details and aren’t missing seeing anything, and done the background work to guess context and what symbolizes what, you are prepared to make an educated guess as to the meaning of the cartoon.
1)What do you see? 2)What do you know? Or think you know? 3)What is the message?
Drawing by Benjamin Franklin Albany Plan of Union In response to increasing tension with Native Americans and the French, representatives from most of the American colonies met (Albany Congress) to discuss whether to fight for control of the land west of the Appalachians. Proposal to join together in a limited fashion was: - Originally suggested by the Iroquois - Eventually supported by the representatives at Albany However - Eventually rejected by every colonial assembly Sign that even by1754 the colonies felt far more connection to Britain than each other!
Hmmm…. So how did the colonies go from being not at all united in 1754 to deciding to declare independence from Great Britain in just over 20 years? Good question!
Q: “How did the French and Indian war ( ) change British policy in the colonies?” Let’s start with…
Background: 1. Iroquois Confederacy & “Balance of Power” For the Iroquois --Both empires’ existence necessary to maintain balance and their land in between. --Most tribes support French in war. 2. European Imperial Wars Spread to America --7 Years War in Europe over competing Expansions of Empire
1754--Land speculation by colonists (George Washington) in Ohio Valley instigates conflict between France and England. England was crossing the Appalachian mountains and trying to claim French land France in control of the war early as fighting is left up to the colonists 1757William Pitt as Prime Minister in Britain = changes in leadership and tactics of British, sending over regular British Army troops. Tide of war changes on both continents. 1763Treaty of Paris gives all French land east of Mississippi to Great Britain
Effects of War 1. Doubles British Territory in America --part of Florida gained from Spain 2.Natives lose “Balance of Power” = More displacement for them which leads to more war with colonists -- Iroquois Confederacy breaks down : Pontiac’s War (Ottawa Tribe) 3. Britain needs more Control of Colonies --Permanent Troops--New Land Policy (Proclamation --War Debt = 140 million pounds of 1763) --Need for $ = more control = new policies & taxes
British Problems = Policy Changes 3) Need money to pay for the = French-Indian War and increased troop levels Sugar Act of 1764 Stamp Act Tea Act 2) Need more troops in America = in case of more wars with Natives Boston Massacre Quartering Act 1) Need to manage new lands in = America (and would like to keep making $$ from the fur trade) Proclamation of ) Need more control over the = colonies to carry out the new plans Declatory Act Intolerable Acts (in response to the Boston Tea Party)
Policy Changes = Colonial Problems Proclamation of 1763 = Grievance #7 Sugar Act = Stamp Act = Declatory Act = Boston Massacre = Boston Tea Party = Coercive Acts = Grievance #10 Grievance #17 Grievance #13 Grievance #11 Grievance #6 Grievance #5, 14, 15, 16, 21 and 22
Now that you know the background to the Declaration of Independence… Why did the American colonies rebel against Great Britain? (Political, Social, Economic, or Philosophical reasons? Explain.)