About the CWU a guide for UK communications workers
Welcome! Congratulations on working in the communications industry Posts, Telecoms and Financial Services are exciting industries Nerve centres of the global economy A challenging environment Constant technological change Constant acquisition of new skills and responsibilities Rapid change and tight operating margins mean that employers must take account of your needs That’s why you need the CWU
Introducing ourselves The Communication Workers Union is the UK’s largest postal and telecom union 270,000 members – mainly in the postal, telecom, financial services and call centre sectors Recognised by BT, the Post Office, Royal Mail, Parcelforce, O 2 Telewest, Fujitsu, Alliance & Leicester, Manpower, Vertex – and many more companies A union that negotiates your pay, hours, holidays, terms and conditions A union that looks after you
Who’s in the CWU? People you work with Postal workers Sales and billing staff Telecom engineers Operators Customer contact representatives Administrative and finance people And a whole lot more…. In fact, people just like you
About the CWU Branches in every area Trained local union representatives Many benefits to members, including legal support if injured at work shopping and insurance discounts etc practical advice real representation education and training opportunities
Objectives of the CWU Fairness at work for all To protect and promote the interests of all members Collective representation Major contractual and work issues Individual representation Employment and career advice Disciplinary and Grievance hearings Active opposition to all forms of discrimination A safe and decent communications industry Respect for all
Problems at Work? You can seek advice from the Union CWU can advise you on company procedures CWU can represent you at grievance or discipline hearings CWU can assist in ensuring that you receive you proper training in the workplace
Anything else? CWU can assist in stamping out bullying and harassment in the workplace – no matter whether it comes from a colleague or a manager CWU is opposed to racism, sexism, and all forms of discrimination based on race, creed, religion, age, political affiliation, disability, marital status, sex or sexual orientation
How much does it cost? Rates vary depending on Age – special rates for young people Your employer – is it union-recognised? Whether you are full-time or part-time For more details see your local union rep, or phone our Hotline –
Joining the CWU In companies that recognise the CWU, like Royal Mail, BT, O 2, Vertex or Accenture HR, you can have union subs deducted at source from your monthly salary That’s the easiest way Your subs will always be up to date For more details see your local union rep, or phone our Hotline –
Joining the CWU Some companies do not recognise unions but CWU members can be represented by the union at grievance and disciplinary hearings In non-recognised (ie “non-union”) firms, like Cable & Wireless, Orange, T-Mobile or Vodafone, members pay by Direct Debit For more details see your local union rep, or phone our Hotline –
Get the protection of the CWU It’s like insurance No good paying the premium after the house has burned down How do I get the protection of the CWU? You can contact us now see your local union rep, or phone our Hotline –
How do I contact the Union? Easy – there is a local branch in your area members’ union cards show the local branch telephone number there should be a CWU notice-board at work (in recognised firms) you may have a local rep working in your team or at your workplace phone our Hotline –
The CWU General Secretary Billy Hayes Senior Deputy General Secretary Tony Kearns Communication Workers Union 150 The Broadway Wimbledon London, SW19 1RX Tel: Fax:
The CWU Deputy General Secretary (Telecom) Jeannie Drake Deputy General Secretary (Postal) Dave Ward Communication Workers Union 150 The Broadway Wimbledon London, SW19 1RX Tel: Fax:
remember You can contact us now see your local union rep, or phone our Hotline –