Quality based Public Service Delivery and its Certification under IS 15700:2005 in India
1991 -Quality in Public Service Delivery introduced A ‘Charter Mark’ generic framework first introduced by Prime Minister John Major, in United Kingdom. Citizens’ Charter, empowers citizens with information on services + quality standards Continued by Prime Minister Tony Blair
1997 –Citizens’ /Clients’ Charter (CCC) in India -Adopted as a Resolution in a Conference of Chief Minister, chaired by the Prime Minister, on 24 th May, CCC, implemented simultaneously at the Centre and in all States and Union Territories
Malcolm Baldrige model of USA Defines ‘excellence in service delivery’ as “a combination of process and results’. Department of Commerce, gives ‘Baldrige National Quality Award for bringing improvement in public service delivery. The model is adopted by all departments in the USA
Quality Management System (QMS) in India integrates - UK + USA model = Sevottam ‘Sevottam’ ? It is a generic framework - for improving public service delivery on a continual basis, till excellence is achieved. -Excellence here means improving processes to achieve optimal point of timeliness and quality. It includes reducing uncertainty from the viewpoint of Citizens Government organizations that adopt QMS Sevottam can be certified under Indian Standard 15700:2005, by Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. 41 Central organizations certified from 2010 to 2013
Sevottam seeks excellence : (1) Citizen centricity + (2) Identify Gaps + (3) Quality Standards
Uncertainty for the citizen is sought to be removed through published standards included in Citizens’ Charter For Citizens, Public Service Delivery should not be a game of dice. They should know what to expect ? How much to expect? from whom ? when ? And where?
Public Service Delivery Systems tend to fail because major Gaps exist between intent and outcome Civil Servant citizen “How do we connect policy with operations?” political “We sometimes assume that policies will implement themselves.” “The civil service requires a better delivery culture.”
2 Common Understanding 1. Expectations Extent of Gap 6. Perceived Delivery 3. Promised Delivery 4. Actual Delivery 5 Experience
PricewaterhouseCoopers to be well documented and well publicized simple to understand and use easy to measure Quality Standards for Public Service Delivery are -
QMS Sevottam makes public service delivery more certain and transparent Citizens know - What service or goods to expect and What are the eligibility criteria? What documents and fee are to be given for availing the services ? How much to expect? from whom ? When ? Where? And How to avail a particular service? If service delivery is not as per standards, a grievance system is included in the Citizens’ / Clients’ Charter, for time bound redress.
Three Modules of QMS Sevottam Framework that help to identify and fill gaps in service delivery
‘ Sevottam’ – Assessment/Improvement Model: Quality Criteria and Benefits Critical Areas(3)Criteria(9)Elements for assessment* (33) Integrated Model for Assessing Service Delivery Citizen Charter Excellence Implementation5 Monitoring3 Review3 Public Grievance Redress Receipt3 Redress3 Prevention5 Service Delivery Capability Customers5 Employees3 Infrastructure3 Healthy competition to achieve excellence Compliance with basic standards BENEFITS Citizen empowerment Redress Satisfaction Delivery Capability enhancement * As questions which are rated on a five point scale ranging from “ad hoc” to “Systematic”
How? 3 Modules(M) 9 Criteria (C) 33 Elements cover all essential aspects of service delivery M1 - Citizen’s Charter has Criteria 1 to 3 - ) C 1 Implementation ) 11 Elements C 2 Monitoring ) to Empower Citizens / Clients C 3 Review ) M2 - Grievance Redress System has Criteria 4 to 6 - ) C 4 Receipt ) C 5 Redress ) 11 Elements C 6 Prevention ) for Redress satisfaction M3 - Capability Building for Service Delivery has Criteria 7 to 9 - ) 11 Elements C 7 Citizens / Clients ) for capability C 8 Employees ) enhancement C 9 Infrastructure ) Total Framework Three Modules Nine Criteria 33 Elements
Sevottam simplified in Seven Steps
Why are Quality Management Systems needed in Public Service Delivery? To improve the prevailing public perception and negative image about public services being of poor quality and uncertain To improve the rate of economic growth by reducing existing levels of poverty To make development more equitable and sustainable
Pilot tested successfully in 10 Central Ministries / Departments India post - New Delhi, GPO 1 st to be certified Pensions - Grievance Desk Railways - Nizamuddin Station, New Delhi Passport office – New Delhi Income tax 18 services -ASK, Pune and Kochi certified Customs and Excise - 4 divisions certified Kendriya Vidhyalaya – Sector 1 and 8 RK Puram Corporate Affairs – Registrar of companies Food processing – main ministry Employees Provident Fund Office -Karnal unit
Implementation continued Initiated in 4 others: M/o Overseas Indian Affairs, Immigration Division Council for Application of PART under M/o Rural Development, 5 Police Stations in Gurgaon, Foreigners Regional Registration Office under M/o Home Affairs
4 pilots in four States Water and Sanitation, Municipal Corporation, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Integrated Child Development Scheme, Karnataka Public Health and Family Welfare, Madhya Pradesh Public Distribution System, Orissa
TQM versus QMS Total Quality Management (TQM) principles TQM is for manufacturing and engineering sectors principles. Standardization of processes across organizations Optimization of resources Elimination of waste and removal of stages that do not add any value Systems to facilitate improvement Benchmarking /competitiveness Review and continuous improvement Cause – Effect relationship and statistical analysis Quality improvement teams and divisions as ‘cost centres’. Quality Management Systems (QMS) principles QMS is a service delivery system, based on the 8 principles of - Customer focus Involvement of stakeholders Process as the basis of organizing service delivery System as the basis of managing service delivery Continual improvement Analysis of data and information for decision making Mutually beneficial relationship with supplier chain to create value addition Leadership for keeping employees motivated and establishing a unity of purpose in the organization.