Explain the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended and its impact on the college Explain why we provide accommodations Explain how faculty should respond to a request for accommodations
Full implementation March 2011 States that the definition of disability shall be construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals, to the maximum extent permitted by the ADA Expands the definition of “major life activity” to include additional activities. Also changes the law to allow that limitation of only one major life activity can be considered a disability
Any person who 1. Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activity 2. Has a record of such an impairment, or 3. Is regarded as having such an impairment
It is easier for a student to qualify as an individual with a disability Documentation requirements have changed – a comprehensive interview with the student may be enough to document disability – previously needed specific documentation from a third party professional
The Office of Civil Rights and Department of Justice will be looking more closely at us for compliance It will be easier for a student to file a grievance and to win his/her case than in previous years
,282 Autism20 Deaf/Hard of Hearing45 Mental/Psychological316 Physical106 Specific Learning Disorder606 Speech/Language 13 Traumatic Brain Injury 12 Visual 56 Other108
With more emphasis on technology, e.g. online application and registration, use of websites, etc. an increasing number of students require special assistance The college is focusing efforts on accessibility for all students in the design and development of technology uses
In the past few years there have been several lawsuits brought to the Department of Justice regarding inaccessible technology, especially by the National Federation of the Blind Florida State University was fined $ 150,000 for inaccessible math courses and Penn State University was given a year to make all their processes accessible
Campus DR Specialist will assign accommodations based on student’s disability Student will present accommodation sheet to Instructor at the beginning of the semester Instructor may discuss how to provide accommodations with student but may not ask the student the nature of his or her disability
Clearwater: Jeff Zeigler Downtown/Midtown/Epi: TJ Williams HEC: Stefanie Silvers Seminole: Aimee Stubbs St. Petersburg/Gibbs/AllState: Ray Hollowell Tarpon Springs: Barbara Thompson College-wide Director: Peg Connell Online Accessibility Technician: Mary Deschamps,
Disability Resources Department website: x.htm x.htm Disability Awareness Project website – variety of video workshops and other resources:
Print and keep for reference: Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Faculty Guide. Found on Disability Awareness website