ASAC Annual Conference – St. Louis, MO October 21, 2014 Presented by: Paige Gilligan, CAC
Revisit the ASAC Code of Ethics How to Identify and Avoid Behavior that Violates the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards Understand the Correct Way to Use ASAC’s Designation, Emblem, and Logo. Understand ASAC’s Enforcement Process
A member is distinguished by the independence, objectivity and moral concern by which his/her business affairs are conducted. A member will accept only those engagements he/she is qualified to undertake and which, in light of this knowledge and experience, are in the best interests of his/her clients. A member can be depended upon to serve his/her clients with true professional honesty; he/she will refuse to serve under terms or conditions that may impair his/her independence, objectivity or integrity. A member respects and guards as confidential any information obtained from clients which is of a sensitive and confidential nature.
A member will serve two or more competing clients at the same time on problems of conflicting nature only with their full knowledge. A member shall not accept or pay fees for referral of clients, nor will he/she accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from persons or companies whose products, equipment or services he/she may recommend to clients during the course of an engagement without full disclosure to the client. A member shall always respect the rights of his/her fellow consultants negotiating for professional work or advancement; he/she may use all honorable means in competition for an assignment.
A member will condemn unethical or illegal conduct by other consultants and shall report any information of these principals to the Society’s Committee on Grievances for proper investigation and action. A member shall promote his/her services in a professionally dignified manner, being careful to avoid inaccuracies or misleading statements. A member recognizes that the Society’s Code of Ethics signifies a voluntary assumption of the obligation of self-discipline above and beyond the requirements of the law. By it he/she strives to uphold the honor and maintain the dignity of his/her profession.
Professionalism: What is it? ◦ Think about the people you respect most because they are the consummate professional. Can you identify the elements that made them so good? ◦ Those who are thoroughly professional, demonstrate a rounded personality. They are able to act as a good role model for their colleagues. They have the ability to take the rough with the smooth, and are always consistent with others whatever their personal circumstance or problems may be. They never take their frustrations out on others (Gina Gardiner,
Designation (Article IV, Section A) ◦ Per By-Law changes in 2011, there are two designations that ASAC offers for consultants CAC (Certified Agricultural Consultant) CACA (Certified Agricultural Consultant – Allied) Emblem ◦ All new members receive a lapel pin in their welcome packet from the Society ◦ It should be worn during all professional engagements unless it violates any corporate dress code Logo ◦ An electronic version of the logo is available from the Executive Director to be used on any personal marketing materials
Code of Ethics ◦ A member will condemn unethical or illegal conduct by other consultants and shall report any information of these principals to the Society’s Committee on Grievances for proper investigation and action. Grievance Committee procedures ◦ Grievances shall be referred to the Chair of the committee (TBD) who shall make every effort to handle grievances at a local level ◦ Complaints shall be submitted in writing if at all possible. Verbal complaints will be heard where any sound reason exists for not submitting same in writing
Grievance Committee procedures ◦ The committee shall ensure that the complaint and the complaintant have the opportunity to: Appear in person before the committee To present witnesses as evidence in substantiation of the complaint or reply To have prompt notifications of the decision of the Grievance committee To appeal the decision to the appropriate superior body
Professional Standards ◦ ASAC’s ethical and professional standards set the membership body distinctly apart. Our certified members must satisfy rigorous continuing education requirements to maintain certification. Our Mission ◦ The specific purpose of ASAC is to foster the science of agricultural consulting in all its varied fields; to promote the profession and maintain high standards under which the members conduct their service to the public; hold meetings for the exchange of ideas and the study of the profession of agricultural consulting; and maintain a Code of Professional Ethics in the broad field of agricultural consulting.