2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING How to Keep Out of Trouble An Overview of Financial Management for Program and Fiscal Personnel
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING How to Keep Out of Trouble or… “Stuff my folks taught me that applies to grants management.”
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING How To Keep Out of Trouble or “Stuff My Folks Taught Me... “ Overview General (and some specific) elements of sound grant management Some examples, some quizzes Some particulars to TAACCCT Some help from my friends
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING How To Keep Out of Trouble or “Stuff My Folks Taught Me... “ Read the instructions Share Gotta have a system Do your homework... Call home if you’re... Measure twice, cut once Give everyone a chance
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING How To Keep Out of Trouble or “Stuff My Folks Taught Me... “ Be on time Keep your room in order Penny wise Write it down Know thyself Check your work Learn from your mistakes Ask questions
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [The instructions...] Grant agreement Solicitation for grant award (SGA) DOL-ETA website Published guidance Read
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [Some of what is buried in the documents...] “Incorporated by reference” Special “do’s” and “don’ts” Deadlines Contacts Read
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING The grant agreement includes provisions Veterans’ priority of service. 2. Encouragement to wear seat belts. 3. Prohibition of any “display” of a Disney character on “clothing or other.” 4. Prohibition on texting while driving. True or False
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [Some important items... ] Policies internally and externally Requirements / guidance with consortium members Info on quarterly fiscal 9130 report (“remarks”) Best practices Share
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [With whom... ] Fiscal with program Program with fiscal Governing board Other units Share
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [With whom...] Other TAACCCT grantees Local Workforce Investment Boards Others in the workforce world Others Share
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING 1. Failure to request prior approval could result in charges being disallowed. 2. Failure to share the narrative report timely with DOL could lead to jail time. 3. Failure to submit all fiscal data in the quarterly financial report could lead to the loss of grant funds. True or False
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Gotta have a system [Sound cash management... ] Draw funds for immediate needs Return excess Keep track in accounting system Ensure cash needs are for the grant
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [Complete the detailed stuff... ] Indirect cost rate submitted Allowable cost policy implemented Record retention policy implemented Fiscal quarterly reports submitted Narrative quarterly reports submitted Do your homework before play
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [Inform ETA if you are going to be late...] Quarterly reports Narrative Fiscal Spending the grant funds Performance milestones Other Call home if you’re gonna be late
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [Quality and accuracy of info...] Accuracy of fiscal quarterly reports Accuracy of charges to TAACCCT Budget to actual Indirect cost charges, rates In place Correct application Measure twice, cut once
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING 1. Return excess funds drawn down. 2. A quarterly financial report that is inaccurate cannot be fixed once submitted 3. Actual performance outcomes achieved may be less than the outcomes included in the grant application True or False
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [Procurement...] Open and fair competition Written procedures Documentation for selection For all types of procurements, but especially for sole source Comprehensive procurement files Cost or price analysis Give everyone a chance
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [Personnel charges... ] Time cards must be done regularly and after- the- fact Some exceptions for some higher ed positions Time based on documented payrolls Time sheets approved by responsible official Must account for all time Time must tie to an activity code Staff charging time to ETA grant must be included in budget narrative Be on time
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [Strong internal controls ] Separation of duties Strong checks and balances to reduce Opportunity Risk Unannounced spot checks Staff training Ethics training Adequate supervision Keep your room in order
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING [Strong internal controls ] Policies and procedures Written and followed Administrative procedures Employee handbook Purchasing manual Standard operating procedures Conflict of interest policy Keep your room in order
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING 1. Sole source procurement is not permitted. 2. Most entities are not subject to an independent audit. 3. Personnel charges are a majority of grant expenditures and are closely reviewed. True or False
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Penny wise [Ensure charges to grant are ok... ] Benefits the grant Occurred during the grant period Consistent with OMB Circulars, regs, etc. Expended on “new” activities No “supplanting”
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Penny wise [Ensure charges to grant are ok... ] Necessary Reasonable Allocable
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Know thyself [Roles and responsibilities...] Who performs which work Who supervises the work Signature authority Reporting authority Succession planning
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING 1. New expenditures after the period of performance are permitted. 2. Anyone in the organization may authorize draw down of funds. 3. Expenditures for items not related to the scope of work are permitted. True or False
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Write it down [Documentation...] Records are traceable, organized Records are retained Minimum is three years Written policies reflect law, regs, SGA Authorized representative Identified in writing, procedures
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Write it down [Documentation...] To support quarterly financial reports To support program outcomes Expenditures Supporting docs for invoices paid, etc Procurement actions Participant case files
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Write it down [Documentation...] Monitoring Record retention Close-out Grievance and complaint Incident reporting Succession planning Other (outlined in the regs)
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Check your work [Monitoring...] For your own organization, a monitoring Plan Tool Schedule Procedure for follow up
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Learn from your mistakes [Audit and audit follow up...] Independent audit conducted timely All data and information to auditor Submit to audit clearinghouse timely Share with governing board Follow up on findings
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING 1. The ETA definitions of “administrative” costs are specified in the grant agreement. 2. Specific policies for the ETA grant are required. 3. Incidents of fraud, waste or abuse do not need to be reported to DOL. True or False
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Policies and procedures Allowable costs Incident reporting Equipment Administrative versus program charges Accrual reporting Equipment definition and tracking Indirect cost rate Allowable costs Of special focus
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING For technical assistance Best practices That is, other grantee’s experiences Prior approval Ask
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING Online ETA training Specific to grant Specific to program elements Specific to fiscal elements Future Opportunities ETA National fiscal in-person training ETA Regional in-person training ETA Regional webinars DOL-ETA Website Resources
U.S. DOL ETA 2014 TAACCCT TRAINING AND CONVENING How To Keep Out of Trouble Documentation Ask questions