Preparing for Lease Up: Staff Training for Successful MHSA Supportive Housing Operations MHSA Operations TA Call January 5, 2011 Anne Cory, CSH
2 Staff Attitudes and Expectations Ensure that staff members understand your target population: –Understanding mental illness – The impact of the homeless experience –Understanding substance abuse –The services needs of special populations served in supportive housing Establishing a professional relationship with tenants
3 Staff Attitudes and Expectations Education on Supportive Housing principles: Housing First, Voluntary Services –Housing is a choice, not a placement –Housing is a person’s home, not a residential treatment program –People have a right to safe, affordable housing –All tenants hold property leases and have the full rights and obligations of tenancy –Participation in services is voluntary and not a condition of tenancy –User friendly services driven by tenant needs and individual goals
Staff Attitudes and Expectations Education on Supportive Housing principles: Consumer Driven –Consumers are active community members –Tenants are involved in planning and program design, services implementation, evaluation and policy development –Tenants are encouraged to make lifestyle choices even though they may conflict with the provider’s preferences –Leadership development and skills training is offered 4
Staff Attitudes and Expectations Education on Supportive Housing principles: Harm Reduction –People deserve safe, affordable housing regardless of their special needs –Services aim to help people reduce the harm caused by their special needs, such as substance abuse, mental illness or health-related complications –Services focus on helping tenants stay housed by assisting with the management of problems that interfere with their ability to meet the obligations of tenancy, such as paying rent 5
6 Staff Attitudes and Expectations Assessing staff and organizational readiness: –Alignment of Supportive Housing principles with agency mission, goals, values –Organizational policies and management practices – are changes needed? –Staff skill sets –Involvement of Board, staff and other stakeholders in planning for PSH –Communication structures
Key Training Topics for ALL Staff in Supportive Housing Fair Housing Law Reasonable Accommodation Confidentiality and the security of tenant information Safety policies and procedures Tenants Rights and Responsibilities Organization Training: Policies and Procedures, Grievance Process Record Keeping and Documentation 7
8 Key Training Topics Applicable local, state, federal laws, regulations and standards MHSA Housing Program guidelines Compliance with funder requirements If project has a Capitalized Operating Subsidy Reserve, guidelines for the COSR
9 Key Training Topics in Property Management –Application and Screening process –Reasonable Accommodation –Lease Enforcement and Rent Collection –Tenant File Maintenance and Record Keeping –Eviction Prevention/Problem Solving –Eviction Procedures –Building and Tenant Security –Physical Plant: Maintenance, Janitorial Services, Pest Control –Move-Out and Unit Turnaround Procedures
10 Components of Property Management Tenant Selection Maintenance Fair Housing Operations Fiscal Management
11 Key Training Topics in Supportive Services –Outreach and Engagement strategies –Harm Reduction –Motivational Interviewing –Crisis intervention/de-escalation –Making effective referrals to meet tenant needs –Effective service coordination
Training to Support Coordination Staff should be oriented about the mission, philosophy and goals of the supportive housing program and the MOU among the organizations. Orientation of services staff to property management/property management staff to supportive services. Joint training on policies and procedures. Communication structures between PM and SS Record keeping and documentation 12
13 Areas of Overlap Between Property Management and Supportive Services Intake: Tenant Selection and Interviewing Orientation of Incoming Tenants Rent Payment and Arrears Dealing with Disruptive Behaviors Procedures in Crisis Tenant Grievance Procedures Tenant Council Support Community Building Roles and Coordination
14 Keep Lines of Communication Open Understand each other’s roles and responsibilities Understand the program and funding source missions and goals (why are you all here?) Schedule regular meetings to discuss policies, procedures, and resolve conflict Establish clear decision making process and clear lines of authority within and between property management and social services Provide joint training and retreats for team building
15 Activities to Supplement Training Job Descriptions Employee Orientation Supervision Peer-to-Peer Mentoring and Support Performance Reviews Assessments Incentives
Resources for staff training: (all available on CSH website) Seven Dimensions of Quality for Permanent Supportive Housing Supportive Housing Training Series (HUD Publications) Coordination of Property Management and Supportive Services in Permanent Supportive Housing: Self Assessment Tool