Personnel Management Inesa Voronchuka University of Latvia, Latvia
8. Thema. The Employment Contract
Employment Contract Employment is established by “agreement” between the two parties, employer and employee, and this agreement is identified by the particular term “contract of employment”. The agreement made freely between an employee is subject to the law of the land.
The terms of contract Traditionally the principal obligations acquired by each party to an employment contract are as follows: A. The employer is expected to: Pay wages Provide work Take reasonable care of the employee Indemnify the employee for expenses and liabilities incurred in the course of employment Treat the employee with courtesy.
B. The employee is expected to: Render a personal service (by being physically present) Take reasonable care in the performance of the duties To obey reasonable instructions from his employer Act in good faith towards his employer (eg. Not to secure employment for the purposes of industrial espionage) Refrain from impeding his employer’s business.
A typical written statement information of the main terms and conditions of employment (I): The employee’s scale or rate of pay The intervals at which he will be paid The normal hours to be worked The entitlement to holidays Sick pay arrangements
A typical written statement information of the main terms and conditions of employment (II): Pension scheme arrangements The terms of notice The title of the job Specify the rules relating to the job, or indicate where they may be found Specify the procedure for voicing any grievance and obtaining redress
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