Local Self Governance In India Public Accountability, Community Empowerment and e-Governance B.K.Gairola Director General National Informatics Centre Department.


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Presentation transcript:

Local Self Governance In India Public Accountability, Community Empowerment and e-Governance B.K.Gairola Director General National Informatics Centre Department of Information Technology Ministry of Communications & IT Government of India

4/23/20152 Governance Structure in India Central Government State Government (35) Local Government Urban Local Bodies Rural local Self- Governing Institutions District Panchayats (540) Intermediate Panchayats (6096) Village Panchayats (2,32,000) Corporations Municipalities Town Areas

4/23/20153 Citizen Business, NGOs Central Government State Governmen t G2C G2B Local Government (G2E) G2G Local Governments Grassroot Planning & Development Dynamics Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) Rural Local Bodies (RLBs) District Panchayats Intermediate/Block Panchayats Village Panchayats Corporations Municipalities Town Areas Information & Communication Network Local Self Governance – A Technological Perspective

4/23/20154 LSG Outcomes and E-Governance Goals Enhanced People’s Participation Public Accountability Community Empowerment Process Devolution of Funds, Functions and Functionaries (3Fs) Participatory Governance ICT Instrument E-Governance

4/23/20155 NREGA-National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (NREGA) National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) Launched in 200 districts of India Currently, operational in 330 districts of India Assures min 100 days of employment to any needy family in these districts Gram panchayat plays anchor role in registering seekers, identifying works, allotting works, making payments and other activities

4/23/20156 NREGSOFT – Details Captured

4/23/20157 NREGSOFT – Registration

4/23/20158 NREGSOFT – Job Card

4/23/20159 Content Capture in NREGA Currently, the data related to different events in life cycle of NREGS is being captured at- Gram Panchayat Level in some of the states in offline mode Block level in majority of states (data brought from GPs) – On/OffLine mode District level in a few cases (data brought from GP to district for data entry)- Online mode

4/23/ National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) - India Vision Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at affordable costs to realise the basic needs of the common man The Government approved the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), comprising of 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) and 10 components, on May 18, Core & Support Infrastructure Common Services Centre (CSC) State Wide Area Networks (SWAN) State Data Centres (SDC)

4/23/ NeGP – Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) Central MMPs Banking Central Excise & Customs Income Tax (IT) Insurance MCA21 Passport, Immigration & Visa Pension e-OFFICE State MMPs Agriculture Commercial Taxes e-District Employment Exchange Land Records Municipalities Panchayats/e-PRI Police Property Registration Road Transport Treasuries Integrated MMPs  CSC  e-BIZ  e-COURTS  e-Procurement  Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) For Trade (eTrade)  National Egovernance Service Delivery Gateway  India Portal ( )

4/23/ NeGP - Mission Mode Projects for LSGIs Municipalities Services Issuance of Birth/Death Certificates Property Tax, Property Assessment Accounting System Grievance and Suggestions Building Approval, Issuance of Licenses Projected Implementation To cover all Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in class 1 cities (423 in total) during the period to Status Implemented in 30 Councils/6 Corporation of Maharashtra Implemented in 80 Municipalities in Karnataka Also implemented in Jammu & Kashmir, Srinagar, Shillong and Kolkata Panchayats Services Services identified for Citizens Issuance of Licenses, Certificates, Beneficiaries of various schemes, Information related to proceedings of Gram Sabha etc. Services identified for Functionaries Survey Data (Below Poverty Line (BPL), Family, census) Services Data (Education, Health), Panchayat Accounting etc. Status States like Andhra Pradesh (A.P), Karnataka, Gujarat, Orissa, Goa, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu have started computerization of Panchayats. Initiatives already underway include E- Panchayat(A.P), E-Gram (Gujarat), PriaSoft (Orissa, Tamil Nadu),NREGASoft (Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka), Aasthi (Karnataka) etc.. NeGP took cognizance of these State Level efforts & proposed Mission Mode project s in respective areas in an organized & integrated fashion

4/23/ e-Governance in Panchayati Raj Institutions (e-PRI) Mission Mode Project Round Table of State Panchayati Raj Ministers (Dec 2004) recommends positioning ICT as enhancing Panchayat capacity so that they can perform their constitutionally and legislatively mandated functions better. Consensus to position IT as decision making support system for Panchayats tool for transparency, disclosure of information to citizens, social audit, better and convergent delivery of services to citizens, improving internal management and efficiency of Panchayats, a means for capacity building, as an e-Procurement medium. E-PRI taken up as a Mission Mode Project across the country under National E-Governance Plan (NeGP)

4/23/ E-PRI – Proposed Service Delivery Architecture Citizen G2CInternet MOPR Web Site State Panchayati Raj Deptt. Portals Block Panchayat Portals District Panchayat Portals Gram Panchayat Portals e-Panchayat (AP) PRIAsoft (TN, Orissa) Aasthi (Kar) PRIAsoft (PanchLekh ) (MP) Other Panchya ti Raj Deptt Applicati ons Front End National Panchayat Portal(NPP) Back End Rural PRIs VPs/BPs/ZPs PlanPlus

4/23/ A Gateway to more than two and a half lakh Portals including State Panchayati Raj Deptt.(35), District Panchayats(560), Intermediate/ Block Panchayats(6096) and Village Panchayats (2,32,000) Acts as a one-stop solution to citizens for accessing information and services provided by Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR), State Panchayati Raj Departments, and three-tier Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) Panchayat Portal Sites dynamically generated using Panchayat Portal Framework Supports Local Language Web site of Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR), is acting as the home page of the National Panchayat Portal Each Panchayat Portal can be accessed directly also National Panchayat Portal (NPP) Public Face of Rural Governance

4/23/ National Panchayat Portal

4/23/ e-PRI - Gujarat : e Gram State Specific Back-end Solution  Services  Birth Certificate  Death Certificate  Agriculture Certificate  Income Certificate  Electricity Certificate  Tax Collection : Revenue & Panchayat  Caste Certificate  Status  All Gram panchayats (approx ) have been provided with computers and nominated staff provided 40 hours training on basic usage of IT

4/23/ e-PRI - Gujarat : e Gram

4/23/ Facilitating PRI’s Planning Process (PLAN PLUS) GIS and Web enabled PlanPlus Software under development as part of Backward Regions Grant Fund (BRGF) scheme of MOPR BRGF Scheme implementation is driven by the Decentralized Planning Guidelines issued by the Planning Commission, Govt. of India A single software application to strengthen decentralized planning at grassroot level Meant to be used by RLBs and ULBs to converge, integrate and generate District Development Plans Field Testing under progress in Kerala and West Bengal

4/23/ ROLE OF E-GOVERNANCE LSG Processes Plan Arrange Funds Implement Report Progress Funds Requirements Identified Development Requirements Identified Resources Procured Services Delivered Enhanced People’s Participation Accountability Transparency ICT INPUTS TO LSG PROCESSES OUTCOMES Community Empowerment DEVOLUTION

4/23/ ROAD AHEAD COMPUTERIZATION Isolated ICT Introduction initiatives attempted by some of the States at sub-district/grassroot level Learning from examples cited in previous slides Mainly Bottom-up Efforts E-GOVERNANCE PRESENT Formulation of National E-Governance Plan (NeGP) Identification of Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) Framework for e-PRI & Municipalities MMPs Focus on extending the reach of ICTs to the grassroots & Service Delivery Mainly Top-down Efforts E-GOVERNANCE FUTURE – Consolidation & Replication from Bottom-up experiences & Powered by MMP Framework

4/23/ Issues Moving targets Evolving/changing processes Rapidly changing technology Capacity building for the use of ICT with in the organization Availability of unified cyber space and ICT infrastructure Assurance of long term ICT support to assist the Process of change management Continued financial support for technology as an integral part the process re-engineering plan Long term vision for “technology diffusion” and ability to adapt to the ever changing needs to avoid waste expenditure Standardization of data,meta-data, tech., processes

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