Human Resource Management
Exam Requirements Candidates should be aware of the manager’s role more than an administrative process. Insights into strategic aspects of management. Practice should be understood in terms of sound theoretical reasoning.
The purpose of Human Resource Management reflects: The need to get the best from human resources in an organisation. The need to create the best possible environment for the work force.
The origins of personnel management are related to: The growth of large organisations and bureaucracy. The need for increased efficiency. The influence of the welfare movement, unions and government.
The main areas covered by personnel departments are: Employment – policy & planning, Wages and Salaries, Employee motivation Recruitment & Selection Industrial Relations and Joint Consultation Safety, Health and Welfare Education and training
Employment Manpower planning. Interviews. Engagement of employees, transfers, promotion, dismissals. The induction of new employees. Liaison with recruitment sources. Personnel statistics, hours of work, overtime. The application of the companies terms and conditions of employment.
Wages and Salaries Maintain company wage structure, assess and control differential rates of pay. Authorise deductions from wages. Control work study and incentives.
Industrial Relations and Joint Consultation Negotiations with trade unions. Maintain and improve machinery for joint consultation, and grievance procedures. Deal with any matters requiring arbitration and conciliation.
Safety, Health and Welfare Medical examinations and records. Accident prevention, safety training, application of statutory regulations. Contact with Factory Inspector. Run any sick clubs, schemes and pensions. Social and recreation facilities. Long term service awards and grants.
Education and Training For new employees, apprentices, and for people in line for promotion. Encourage further education through day release, evening classes, seminars and short courses. Produce information bulletins and news sheets.
The HRM model emphasises: the need to search for new ways of working the central role of managers in promoting change the treatment of workers as individuals rather than part of a collective workforce the encouragement of workers to consider management as 'partners' rather than as opponents - 'us and us', rather than 'us and them'
Exercise Human Resource Management is essential for the success of any organisation. Discuss