New Students Orientation August 2014 Semester AIT NO HARASSMENT POLICY by Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit Chair, Gender Equality Committee
Zero tolerance to sexual harassment Student handbook: Harassment policy Gender equality committee Gender training for all faculty/ staff members
What is sexual harassment? AIT Harassment Policy Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical, oral or written conduct or visual manifestations of a sexual nature
acceptance of sexual advances or invitations is made or implied as a condition for education or employment; or rejection of sexual advances, requests or other sexual manifestations affects grades or performance evaluation or any academic or personnel decisions that concern the recipient; or unwelcome sexual advances or other sexual manifestations, interfere with the recipient's work or create an offensive, intimidating or hostile employment, academic or residential environment. What is sexual harassment?
Harassment by telephone Harassment by Harassment by behaviour Need extra sensitivity in a multi-cultural environment like AIT. Examples….. Need extra sensitivity in a multi-cultural environment like AIT.
Intimidation picking on and dominating individuals or groups through fear; bullying physically or by threatening or giving humiliating remarks, asking unwelcome questions or making unwelcome comments about a person's personal or professional life Other forms of harassment
Invasion of privacy unwarranted inquiries into or interference in people’s family and private lives, accessing other people's private letters, faxes, , telephone calls, or other forms of message manipulation; destroying information belonging to others; prank or malicious, false or anonymous communications; the deliberate and malicious spreading of rumors. Other forms of harassment (2)
Chair, Gender Equality Committee Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit (ext. 5666) Deans SERD: Prof. Chettiyappan Visvanathan (ext. 6074) SET: Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul (ext. 5535) SOM: Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit (ext. 5654) Head, Student Office Ms. Laarni Roa (ext. 6325) Coordinator, Student Affairs Unit Ms. Joan Carla C. Gonzales (ext or 5064 ) Counselors
Consultation Direct communication Third party intervention Informal procedure Confidential No reprisal No false accusation
Formal grievance procedures Written statement to the counsellors Formal procedures
These are all needed to create a Fair Tolerant Sensitive Unprejudiced Supportive and Democratic environment in AIT