1 Walking Worthy of the Vocation Ephesians 4:1-3
2 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
3 Introduction The Christian must follow a certain walk! Worthy of the vocation (calling)! Different from the past walk! Different from the world! Different from his neighbor’s! Paul told the Ephesians how to walk this walk!
4 Walk in Good Works! – 2:10 Opposed to the World - v. 2; Rom.12:1-2 Walked in trespasses and sin! Vs. 2; Rom. 6:1-4 In the lust of the flesh! vs. 3; 1 Jn. 2:15-16; Gal. 5:19ff Must walk in good works because we have been created in Christ to do these works! – 2:10
5 Walk Worthy of Our Calling! 4:1 Must maintain the unity of Spirit! – 4:2-3 With a proper attitude – 4:2 On the right foundation – 4:4-6 Spiritual edification – 4:8-16 No longer walk as Gentiles! – 4:17-19 Must put off old man – put on new man! 4:22-32
6 Walk in Love! – 5:1-7 When we walk in love, we give of ourselves – v. 2 God gave his Son – Jn. 3:16 Those who think sexual immorality is love, are deceived – 5:3-7 Homosexuals make this claim! Rom. 1:22-27 Couples who “shack-up” claim love! Couples in a unscriptural marriage!
7 Walk as Children of Light! – 5:8-14 Produces fruits of the spirit! 5:9; Gal. 5:22-23 Prove what is acceptable to the Lord! 5:10 Have NO fellowship with darkness! 5:11 Expose works of darkness! 5:11-14 Things hidden by ignorance or deceit
8 Walk Wisely! – 5:15-21 “Redeeming the time” - use time wisely! 5:16 Understand the will of the Lord! 5:17 Must study and make application! Not wise when drunk! 5:18 – A waste of time! To be filled with the spirit! Produces melody in the heart – 5:19 Produces thanksgiving – 5:20 Produces submission one to another in Godly fear – 5:21
9 Christians MUST walk… In Good Works! Worthy of Our Calling! In Love! As Children of Light! Wisely!
10 Conclusion! How is your walk? Are you walking according to this world or according to the vocation of your calling? Our walk is to be in God’s wisdom as the Ephesians were taught! Walking Worthy of the Vocation!