Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians Introduction Eph. 1:1-3
Ephesus A port city in western Asia minor Population around 250,000, 4 th largest in Empire A free city A worldly & wealthy city
Ephesus Home to the temple of the goddess Diana Immorality “Priestesses” Assylum Greed
The Church at Ephesus First mentioned Paul’s 2 nd preaching trip – Acts 18:18-21
The Church at Ephesus Ephesus
The Church at Ephesus As he leaves for Jerusalem, Aquilla and Priscilla stay – Acts 18:24-19:1 Acts 19:1-41, During 3rd preaching trip he stays there 3 years (Ac. 19:9-10, 20:31)
The Church at Ephesus While in Ephesus Great miracles ( Ac. 19:11-12 ) Jewish exorcists fail ( 19:13-17 ) Many believed and confessed deeds – burned magic books ( 19:18-20 )
The Church at Ephesus While in Ephesus Demetrius causes an uproar ( Ac. 19:23-41 ) Paul departs ( 20:1 )
The Church at Ephesus In other passages: 1 Corinthians written from Corinth ( 1 Cor. 16:8-9 ) Paul calls Ephesian elders ( Ac. 20:17-38 )
The Church at Ephesus In other passages: Letter of Ephesians written from prison in Rome ( Eph. 3:1, 4:1, 6:20 ) Timothy in Ephesus ( 1 Tim. 1:3 ) Rev. 2:1-7 7 churches of Asia
The Book of Ephesus Paul the author Eph. 1:1 Purpose – Eph. 1:3, Every spiritual blessing in Christ Christ and His church
The Book of Ephesus The message “In Christ” “In Him”, etc. Found some 30 times
The Book of Ephesus The message “Walk”, Eph. 2:2, once walked Good works, Eph. 2:10 Walk worthy, Eph. 4:1 Not as “Gentiles”, Eph. 4:17
The Book of Ephesus The message Walk in love, Eph. 5:2 Walk as children of light, Eph. 5:8 Walk circumspectly, Eph. 5:15
The Book of Ephesus Outline: Spiritual blessings, Ch. 1, 1:22-23 – He is head over the church Ch. 2, salvation through God’s grace, available to all Ch. 3, “the mystery”
The Book of Ephesus Outline: Ch. 4:1-16, walk in unity Ch. 4:17-5:21, how we are to treat one another Ch. 5:22-33, The submission of the church
The Book of Ephesus Outline: Ch. 6:1-9, submission Ch. 6:10--20, perseverance in the fight Ch. 6:21-24, concluding remarks
Ephesians teaches us about our salvation in Christ. Will you do your part