Paul’s missionary campaign in Asia Minor (Acts 18:18-20:38) NT2 – Study 8
Outline of this study 1.Return to Antioch via Ephesus (18:18-22) 2.The third missionary journey (18:23-19:41) 3.Journey from Ephesus to Miletus (20:1-16) 4.Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesian elders (20:17-38)
Source: David Cook, Teaching Acts (Christian Focus)
1. Return to Antioch via Ephesus (18:18-22)
Paul’s “hair cut” at Cenchrea (v18, cf. Num 6) => Purpose of these “obscure details”? Ephesus (Asia) en route to Jerusalem/Syria – Bypassed earlier by order of the Spirit (16:6) – Priscilla & Aquila stayed behind => marks importance of the work there
2. The third missionary journey (18:23-19:41)
2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41) Why could Luke’s purpose be in telling us about Apollos (18:24- 28)?
2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41) Spencer on Apollos (pp.193-4) – Of Alexandria = leading intellectual and cultural centre of Hellenistic world + large Jewish community, home of the Septuagint (LXX) – Well versed with Scripture + John’s baptism + “the way of the Lord” – Though still needed help from Priscilla & Aquila to know “the way of God” more ”adequately” – Commended by the church in Asia to Achaia (cf. Antioch commending Barnabas & Paul)
2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41) Focus on Ephesus (cf. notes p.109) Source:
2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41) Paul’s ministry at Ephesus 12 “disciples” (19:1-7) Departure from the synagogue (19:8-10) Conflict with “magicians” (19:11-20) The riot (19:21-41)
2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41) Paul’s ministry at Ephesus – Shows roots going back to “the beginning of the gospel”! – Re-baptised “in the name of the Lord Jesus” => Not yet Christians + no Spirit within! 12 “disciples” (19:1-7)
2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41) Paul’s ministry at Ephesus – Transfers to lecture hall of Tyrannus after 3 months – Continued daily for 2 years (11am-4pm per Western text) – Outcome of his “reasoning and persuading” “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.” Departure from the synagogue (19:8-10)
2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41) Paul’s ministry at Ephesus – Scott: “miracles” vs “magic”! – Paul’s extraordinary miracles Who actually did them (19:11)? Similar to Peter’s ministry (5:15f.) – Seven sons of Sceva attempts “magic” Using the Lord’s name in vain! – Outcome => sorcery abandoned + “the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power” Conflict with “magicians” (19:11-20)
2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41) Paul’s ministry at Ephesus – Demetrius’ triple charge: their trade loses “good name” + temple of Artemis “discredited” + goddess “robbed of her divine majesty” – Outcome: highlights wide effects of gospel + shows “arbitrariness and confusion of the opposition which had no clearly concerted action”(p.112) “there is no reason for it” The riot (19:21-41)
Class exercise: Compare Acts 19:21-22 with Romans 15: What can we learn about Paul’s travel plans and his motivation for these journeys? 2. The 3rd missionary journey (18:23-19:41)
3. Journey from Ephesus to Miletus (20:1-16)
3. Journey from Ephesus to Miletus Paul’s concerns – Jew-Gentile relations + churches in Macedonia & Greece – 2 Corinthians, Romans Note the growing entourage, many of whom represent fruits of Paul’s gospel mission Eutychus – reminder to watch and pray?
4. Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesian elders (20:17-38)
4. Paul’s farewell address (20:17-38) His ministry at Ephesus – Consistent record “the whole time” – He served “with tears” – Never hesitated “to proclaim... the whole will of God” – Coveted nothing, but supplied own needs! “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak...”
* What aspect of his ministry in Ephesus did Paul omit in his review with the elders (cf. 19:11-12)? Why? * Is Paul’s ministry model descriptive or prescriptive? 4. Paul’s farewell address (20:17-38)
Plans for Jerusalem – v22 -> “compelled by the Spirit” (cf. 16:6-7) “not knowing what will happen”! – V24 -> what he is concerned about?
4. Paul’s farewell address (20:17-38) His future and the future of the church at Ephesus – Why he considers his job is done – What he thinks will be the greatest threat for the church – Who the church can really count on – What kind of leaders the church will need
The church in Ephesus – a WARNING In early 60s, Paul writes to Ephesians praying for growing knowledge of every spiritual blessing in Christ Another years later, Jesus warns the church: “You have forsaken your first love” (Rev 2:1-7) Today, city of Ephesus lies in ruins, surrounded by minarets and mullahs! Source: David Cook, Teaching Acts, p243-4.
The church in Ephesus – a WARNING Single-minded devoted shepherds are needed to prevent the degrading slide of ‘first generation’ godly into ‘second generation’ knowledgeable, and finally, ‘third generation’ worldly. David Cook
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