What Does Salvation by grace through faith Have To Do With Baptism GraceSalvation FaithFaith.


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Presentation transcript:

What Does Salvation by grace through faith Have To Do With Baptism GraceSalvation FaithFaith

What is grace? GraceSalvation FaithFaith  Grace: friendly disposition – kindly act proceeds  Mercy: outward manifestation of pity Mercy is the outworking of a gracious attitude!  Eph. 2:5-6 God’s grace and salvation – made alive with Christ

“Through Faith” GraceSalvation FaithFaith  “Through” (dia) denotes the instrument God’s part: grace. Our part: faith.  Faith: state of being fully convinced, to the point of obedience  Heb. 11:1-2, 6, 7, 8 – Heb. 5:9

 When baptized, Col. 2:9-13  Ephesian Christians, Acts 19:4-5 When are we saved by grace? GraceSalvation FaithFaith  Obey Jesus, Heb. 5:9  Made alive with Christ, Eph. 2:4-5 When are we made alive with Christ?

What is baptism? GraceSalvation FaithFaith  Baptizo to dip, to immerse  Process: immersion / emergence  Acts 8:38-39 Water #2 #1

What is baptism? GraceSalvation FaithFaith  Baptizo to dip, to immerse  Process: immersion / emergence  Acts 8:38-39 Water #2 #1

What is baptism? GraceSalvation FaithFaith  Baptizo to dip, to immerse  Process: immersion / emergence  Acts 8:38-39 Water #2 #1

What is baptism? GraceSalvation FaithFaith  Baptizo to dip, to immerse  Process: immersion / emergence  Acts 8:38-39 Water #2 #1

What is baptism? GraceSalvation FaithFaith  Baptizo to dip, to immerse  Process: immersion / emergence  Acts 8:38-39 Water #2 #1

What is baptism? GraceSalvation FaithFaith  Baptizo to dip, to immerse  Process: immersion / emergence  Acts 8:38-39 Water #2 #1

Why are we saved by grace when we’re baptized? GraceSalvation FaithFaith  Salvation by grace through faith is in Christ  Eph. 2:4-7; Rom. 6:3-5 Christ Baptized into

If we are saved by grace when we are baptized, does that mean we are saved by works?  Noah: Gen. 6; Heb. 11  Israel & the bronze serpent: Num. 21 We are saved by grace through faith, if we are obeying God.

What Does Salvation by grace through faith Have To Do With Baptism GraceSalvation FaithFaith Faithful Baptism Confess Repent