Christocentricity - Jesus in the Centre
A Picture Bible-rooted, not Bible- bound
Christ-centred Col Heb
PAUL’S WRITINGS 1 Corinthians – Christ/Son 9x in first 9 verses 2 Corinthians – 5 x in first 5 verses Ephesians – 6 x in first 5 verses Christ referred to 67 times in 155 verses of Ephesian letter JESUS central for Paul It’s all rubbish beside Him… Phil 3.8
WHY SO CENTRAL? He is God with us He embodies God His Spirit lives in us
WHAT ABOUT THE FATHER? Recent strong re-emphasis Danger of ‘relegating’ Jesus Idea of Jesus as an ‘introducer’ to the Father
DEVELOPING RELATIONSHIP Not just imitation Nor just moving towards Him Key is to KNOW Him ! (Phil.3.10)
NO KING – NO KINGDOM! Basileia not a system or set-up It’s QUALITY of His rule Jesus the King comes As in bread and wine
NO APOLOGY FOR JESUS His Name can bring discomfort It costs to be His Not a doctrine or ethic
He is the head of His body, the Church, the Firstborn from among the dead, so that in all things He might have the supremacy.’ Col.1.18
His Name is wonderful (x3) Jesus, my Lord He is the mighty King, Master of everything, His name is wonderful, Jesus my Lord
He’s the great shepherd, The rock of all ages, Almighty God is He; Bow down before Him, Love and adore Him His Name is wonderful, Jesus, my Lord
He’s the Saviour of my Soul, My Jesus, my Jesus; He’s the Saviour of my soul, He’s the Saviour of my soul. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, He’s the Saviour of my soul, He’s the Saviour of my soul.