If you were an Ephesian Part 4
Starting at Eph 5:22 Back to the issue of submission Directive – Wives, submit, do not resist, willingly subordinate – Gen 3:16 The Greek work Phobeo means to reverence or to be in awe of Herein lies the problem – men don’t always give reason to be “in awe of them” You are free from that responsibility
Men, Love your wives The man’s role is to make it easy for the woman to submit. That he might sanctify and cleanse her by the washing of the Word Through his actions, she is presented as glorious, just as the church, through Christ, is presented as glorious Principle of leaving and cleaving (Gen 2:23) and personal sacrifice
Broader view Do your actions make it easy for someone to love you? Do you actions make it easy for others to submit themselves to? You have some level of responsibility over others and their obedience to this scripture
Portion 1 – Christ’s Love We were hideous, repulsive, and blackened by sin As a result, we were unpresentable to the Father in Heaven Christ gave His life to make His bride able to be presented to the Father at the marriage feast of the Lamb The place has been prepared, but what will you wear?
Portion 2 – The Church’s Submission The beautiful white gown that has been prepared since He declared “It is finished” is perfectly white Your submission allows that gown to stay beautiful and clean Habitual sin and a rebellious heart throw mud on that white gown The only parts of me that still sin are the parts that I have not submitted to Christ
The revealing of the bride Babylon the Great is fallen (Rev 18) – Economies, Monetary Contention, Striving for stuff, wanting more Christ’s love has made the bride ready (Rev 19:6-9) Christ defends His bride (Rev 19:11-20:15) The bride descends – a place of union and communion with the Son of God for all whose name is written