Ephesians 4:25-32 DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD New life—new walk 2 Corinthians 5:17 –Stop lying—speak truth 1 John 2:4; Zech. 8:16 The motivation—as members we belong to one another –Leave all unrighteous anger behind There is a place for righteous anger Purpose and motivation are the measure Do not sin—it gives the devil an opportunity –Self-pity, pride, self-righteousness, vengeance, defense of rights –Romans 12:17-21 –Stop stealing—start working 2 Thess. 3:10-11 Let God meet your needs through work so You can help the needy Stop being a burden and start being a blessing?
–Unwholesome words- to edifying words According to current need—grace to those who hear Proverbs 25:11; 15:23; 24:26; Luke 4:22; Col. 4:6 Recognize that corrupt speech—grieves the Holy Spirit –Remember He is our: Helper, Comforter, Teacher, Advocate, Guarantor, and Divine Resident –Put away the vices—live the virtues Bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander and malice Be kind to one another, tender-hearted FORGIVING one another—As God in Christ has done for you Col. 3:12-17 Are you walking in the newness life?
Ephesians: 5:1-21 GET SOME EXERCISE, but be careful Be imitators of God v. 1 –Imitate—strive to copy God –like good children Walk in love (sacrificially) v. 2 –Copy Christ— His Love was sacrificial—offering himself for you –Be a fragrant aroma to God Gen. 8:21; Exodus 29 Walk in the light v –Not like the sons of disobedience— immoral, impure, greedy, filthiness, silly talk, coarse jesting Having no inheritance in the kingdom –Don’t walk in or with darkness –Walk like copies of the light (which you are) –Sons of light— goodness, righteousness, truth, pleasing to the Lord, exposer of darkness
Arise—walk the life of Christ—in the light Rom. 13:11 Walk wisely and carefully v –Be wise –Use all your time wisely, the days are evil Gal. 6:10 –Don’t be foolish—understand the Lord’s will Romans 1: –Do not get drunk with wine, but be filled in the Spirit Be being kept filled—conscious continuation pleroo –Speak to one another in spiritual songs –Make melody in your heart to the Lord –Give thanks for all things—to God –Be subject to one another Give accountability over to other believers