Research Question How have corporations used green advertising in the media to attract consumers.
Literature Review History of the Green Movement -widely disputed -heightened environmental awareness today due to issues like climate change, dwindling energy resources, etc. -Herndly and Brown (1996) -Killingsworth and Palmer (1992) -Mastry (2003)
Literature Review Role of Advertising and Marketing - Meyers (1999) - Fowles (1996)
Literature Review Women as a Target Audience - Advertising agencies see women as target audience in the early 1920s - Hill (2002) -Fowles (1996)
Veblen (1912) Elgin (1993) - Conspicuous consumption of goods - Voluntary simplicity Theory
Methodology Content analysis of two popular magazines Better Homes & Gardens Sports Illustrated All green advertisements from constitute data set. -every other month Total Sample: 88 green advertisements Sports Illustrated: 31 green advertisements Better Homes & Gardens: 57 green advertisements
Strengths Weaknesses Easy replication of research project. One of first projects to look at green advertising. Allows comparison between men and women as target audience. Time constraints Available resources Public Library Methodology
Findings Rise in Green Advertising from Figure 1: Frequency of Green Advertisements
Findings Rise in Green Advertising -Green as subject of the advertisement. Total: 60 green advertisements Prior to 2005: 15 green advertisements : 45 green advertisements Shaw Flooring (Better Homes & Gardens, October 2007) “I want a floor that is designed to be recycled. Because I care about more than just the beauty of my home.”
Findings: Frequency of Product Categories from Male and Female Popular Magazines Product CategoryBetter Homes & Gardens Sports IllustratedTotal/ % Automotive132639/44% Appliances13013/15% Home Remodeling909/10% Cleaning Products909/10% Paper Products707/8% Food336/7% Recycling202/2% Banking112/2% Jewelry/Watches011/ 2% Total57/65%31/35%88/100%
Findings Women as Target Audience Table 2: Type of Person Represented in Green Ad Better Homes & Gardens Sports Illustrated Total/ % Female18119/31% Child18321/34.5% Male16521/34.5% Total52961/100%
Findings Green as a Marketing Strategy Shift to the use of green as subject of ad. Actual environmental impact vs. marketing pitch Mohawk carpets: “From Green to Clean” Clorox Green Works: “Just what the world needs, another dishwashing liquid. It’s made from plants, but cleans with the power you expect from Clorox. Actually, it’s exactly what the world needs.” Use of celebrity within green advertisements. Labeling existing product as “green”.
Discussion Green advertisement is on the rise and may have societal implications. Possible outcomes from the rise in green advertising: Movement spreads, more environmentally friendly products in the marketplace. Movement seen as a marketing pitch, prohibits movement from spreading. Consumers see the different ways products are marketed as “green” and demand more environmentally friendly products.