Parting Words of Jesus 15 th March 2015 Alvin Chew
Bali 9 Convicts – Myuran Sukumaran & Andrew Chan Recent News
ALL they could say when they left (their prison to go to an Island where they will be executed) was “Thank you”. This is what happened to Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran in their final 12 hours at Kerobokan jail. Chan’s last messages to his family and friends this week was: “I’m proof that Jesus is alive, give glory to Jesus. Important note please pray for the other people on the sentence. there are eight other people and they are already in solitary. Six of them are in solitary, two more are still being assessed, but you could imagine the six in solitary,” he said. Their Parting Words
Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian Elders..
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth”. Acts 1:8, (Lk 24:29) Jesus’ Farewell Messages “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you”. Mt 28:19, (Mk 16:15-16), (Jn 20:21)
You will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.. Acts 1:8
“The kingdom of God is not a matter of mere talk but of POWER”.1Cor 4:20 Apostle Paul said to the Corinthian Church
You will receive POWER…. To be my witness (Acts 1:8) You will pray for the sick and they will get well (Mk 16:18)
Anil‘s Father in Law in Nepal
Go and make disciples.. A Commission given to ALL of us by Jesus (No one is exempted) A Commission given to ALL of us by Jesus (No one is exempted)
Statistics on Gospel Penetration 1/3 of the population of the World have not heard the gospel 2/3 of the population in Malaysian have not heard the gospel Estimated < 4% of the population in Penang are Believers
Statistics on Church Service Attendance Only 37% Christians attend Church Weekly (Pew Research USA) Gen Y’s (born ) attendance in Church service is declining Gen Y find the Church irrelevant, boring and judgmental
Watch a Video Clip The Outsider interviews By Jim Henderson, Todd Hunter, Craig Spinks
A perception or reality ? What “Outsiders” say about us
The Great Commission “Push Factor” “Pull Factor” or
The Great Commission is more of a “pull factor” than of a “push factor”. Dallas Willard Living in the presence of Christ The Great Commission is more of a “pull factor” than of a “push factor”. Dallas Willard Living in the presence of Christ
The “pull factor” interpretation of the Great Commission 1. Authority over ALL powers and dominion in heaven and on earth have been given to me (Jesus). 2. I am sending you in my authority. You are going in my name. You are representing me in this world as my Students and my Disciples. 3. As you go and live your daily lives as my Disciples, let your light shine so that others might see the difference I’ve made in you, and they would also like to become my disciples. 4. Welcome them and take them in as my Disciples…. Immerse them into the reality of dying to self and living in the presence and the fellowship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 5. Journey with them, teach them everything you have learned from me and most importantly ask them to also practice what they have learned. As they do that, they will make other disciples.
Now Everyone Can Make Disciple.. 1.First, be a Disciple (Learn to be like Jesus). 2.Start where you are with the resources that you already have. 3.Follow the normal traffic pattern of your life (to make disciple). 4.Pray and observe God’s working in the person’s life. 5.Share the message of truth when the time is appropriate.
Receive the Power of God, go and make disciples… Parting Words