In your 1 st paragraph, write about a time when greed has personally affected your life. Who was involved, what happened, and what was the end result? What did you learn from this specific incident? Did it change your perspective or relationship with someone or something in any way? In your 2 nd paragraph, discuss where and how you see greed influencing our world in general. Who or what represents greed? Is greed ever a positive thing? How and why? Quick-Write Journal
Do you think people still chase after wealth and social status today? How and why? Can you think of someone that has searched for wealth and social status? Then in your second paragraph, discuss some of the dangers and pitfalls one might face when chasing wealth and social status. Also, explain whether or not you personally think the pursuit of wealth and social status is worthwhile.
“The Necklace”
TITLE: “The Necklace” AUTHOR: Guy de Maupassant SETTING (Time and Place): 1884 Paris, France Loisel’s apartment, party at the Ministry of Education’s Mansion. Background
CHARACTERS Madame Loisel - selfish (beautiful, charming, middle class, spoiled, daydreamed), aged quickly, heavy rough, harsh, shrill voice, poor Monsieur Loisel- kind, generous, loyal hard- working, clerk for Ministry of Education, wants to please wife, middle class Madame Forestier - kind, generous, wealthy, snobby
Check Yourself…
POINT OF VIEW: This short story is told from: -the 3rd person limited point of view. -The author focuses on Mme. Loisel’s thoughts and feelings.
Conflicts: Internal – Mme. Loisel vs. herself: her excessive pride, materialism and shallowness cause her emotional torture as she feels she’s been deprived of luxuries.
Conflict cont’d External – Man vs Man Mme. Loisel vs. M. different values (although he is tolerant of her behavior and wants to please her)
SYMBOLS: Necklace = greed/desire for what one cannot have, differences in social classes, dishonesty, Mme. L’s ‘fakeness’ or want of material things Wrap = Mme’s station in life – insecurity- embarrassment Dress = M. Loisel sacrifice for his wife
THEME: 1. People should be happy with what they have. 2. Honesty is the best policy. 3. You may pay a terrible price for greed and desire (Mme. L’s fatal flaw, her desire for material things, her ‘fakeness’ just like the necklace)
OTHER LITERARY ELEMENTS Characterization – the author shows what Mme. Loisel is like by concentrating mainly on the way she views her surroundings (daydreams about expensive things/lifestyle.
Other Literary Elements cont’d Irony – Mme. L borrows a necklace to fit in with the rich people she envies, but the loss of the necklace results in her being poorer than she was.
Other Literary Elements cont’d Foreshadowing - Rue de Martyrs the name of the street and the English word martyr- martyr means a great or constant sufferer. Her intense unhappiness cannot be lifted with one party invitation.
PLOT DEVELOPMENT CHART EXPOSITION: We meet Mme. Loisel in her apartment as she is described as extremely unhappy and dissatisfied with her social status
Plot Development Chart cont’d RISING ACTION: Receives an invitation to a party; Mme. Refuses to attend the party without a suitable dress (husband spends his savings for her to buy a dress); won’t go without a necklace (borrows one); attends party
Plot Development Chart cont’d CLIMAX: The necklace is missing Falling Action: Buy a new necklace by borrowing money and go into debt; gives this to friend; spend next 10 years paying off loan. Resolution: 10 years later relieved of the debt Mme. L. confesses all to Mme. F. who reveals the necklace is a fake
More Lit terms.. Foreshadowing- Madame and Monsieur Loisel live on “Rue des Martyrs” street. A martyr is someone that suffers a great deal and never recovers after their loss. The author foreshadows the suffering that Madame and Monsieur Loisel will have.
More Lit terms Mood- The mood of this story changes as the characters and their priorities change. In the beginning, Madame L is disappointed, but then she has a great time at the party and the mood shifts to one of excitement and enjoyment.
Mood cont’d… After losing the necklace, Madame L’s priorities change and the mood changes to one of tragedy and loss.