Night Notes Pages 47-65
German Tent Leader Physical Description Physical Description “Assassins face, fleshy lips, hands resembling a wolf’s paws.” “Assassins face, fleshy lips, hands resembling a wolf’s paws.” Predatory character Predatory character Interest in children Interest in children Preparation of effects (set-up) Preparation of effects (set-up) Gives children food – we think he is kind. Gives children food – we think he is kind. Why he gives them food – we think is a monster. Why he gives them food – we think is a monster.
Franek Change in character Change in character Former student → Evil, sadistic prisoner Former student → Evil, sadistic prisoner Wants Elie’s gold tooth Wants Elie’s gold tooth “All of the sudden, this pleasant and intelligent young man had changed. His eyes were shining with greed” (Wiesel 55). “All of the sudden, this pleasant and intelligent young man had changed. His eyes were shining with greed” (Wiesel 55). Abuses Elie’s father Abuses Elie’s father In order to protect his father, Elie becomes a father- figure (role reversal). In order to protect his father, Elie becomes a father- figure (role reversal). Idek also abuses Elie’s father Idek also abuses Elie’s father Elie → Angry at father Elie → Angry at father Starts to see his father as a burden. (54) Starts to see his father as a burden. (54)
Keeping Faith Yossi and Tibbi – Yossi and Tibbi – Live for each other Live for each other Hope = Faith in family/man Hope = Faith in family/man Similarly, Elie lives for his father Similarly, Elie lives for his father Akiba Drummer Akiba Drummer “Still lost in his Kabbalistic dreams, Akiba Drummer had discovered a verse from the Bible which, translated into numbers, made it possible for him to predict Redemption in the weeks to come” (Wiesel 51). “Still lost in his Kabbalistic dreams, Akiba Drummer had discovered a verse from the Bible which, translated into numbers, made it possible for him to predict Redemption in the weeks to come” (Wiesel 51). Hope = Faith in God Hope = Faith in God
The Dentist Wants Elie’s gold crown Wants Elie’s gold crown Is arrested for profiting on the crowns. Is arrested for profiting on the crowns. Elie’s change – Elie’s change – “I felt no pity for him. In fact, I was pleased with what was happening to him: my gold crown was safe. “I felt no pity for him. In fact, I was pleased with what was happening to him: my gold crown was safe. Elie takes pleasure from the suffering of others. Elie takes pleasure from the suffering of others.
Idek Scene Idek Idek Attacks Elie without reason. Attacks Elie without reason. Shows his animalistic, savage personality. Shows his animalistic, savage personality. For Idek, this beating is simply a game. For Idek, this beating is simply a game. French Girl French Girl Breaks her silence. Breaks her silence. Silence → Leads to destruction / inhumanity Silence → Leads to destruction / inhumanity Gives Elie hope. Gives Elie hope.
Bombing Fear → Entertainment Fear → Entertainment “We were not afraid. And yet, if a bomb had fallen on the blocks, it would have claimed hundreds of inmates’ lives. But we no longer feared death…Every bomb that hit filled us with joy” (60). “We were not afraid. And yet, if a bomb had fallen on the blocks, it would have claimed hundreds of inmates’ lives. But we no longer feared death…Every bomb that hit filled us with joy” (60). “The SS were back at their posts in the watchtowers, behind their machine guns. Intermission was over” (61). “The SS were back at their posts in the watchtowers, behind their machine guns. Intermission was over” (61). Crawling Man Crawling Man Sees his reflection. Sees his reflection. Death Rattle. Death Rattle. Victory? Victory?