Maharishi Ayurveda Self Pulse Diagnosis Lesson 4 Kapha in the Physiology And Daily Routine
Attributes of Balanced Kapha Unctuous Binding Firmness Heaviness Strength Forbearance Restraint Absence of greed Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthan. 18. 49-51
Things that Increase Kapha Food Sweet, cool, unctuous, slimy Heavy foods & desserts Weather Cold, wet, rainy, sweet, soft, heavy, sticky Behavior Stable, slow activity Mental & physical inactivity Soft, sweet behavior
Feeling Kapha in the Pulse The swan movement is more heavy, dense, gentle, and stable. Kapha pulse is: Heavy Cold Soft Unctuous Sticky, like glue When balanced, is very pleasant to feel
Practice Please feel just the Kapha pulse Feel the Kapha pulse for one minute Describe what you felt to a neighbor What did you feel? Any qualities of Kapha? Did it feel pleasant, soft, or slow?
Practice All Three Fingers Now feel the pulse in all three fingers for one minute. Did you feel any difference between the fingers? What finger had the strongest pulse? Did you feel different qualities in different fingers? Light or heavy, fast or slow, strong or weak? Describe what you felt to a neighbor
Signs of Aggravated Kapha Heavy Dullness, laziness White color Excess sleep & salivation Slow digestion Coldness Looseness of body parts Dypsnoea (difficult breathing)
Things to Reduce Kapha TM and TM-Sidhi Program Maharishi Yoga Asanas Variety in activity, more exercise No day sleep Lighter, dryer foods Pungent, Bitter, Astringent Tastes Honey
Dosha and Times of Day PITTA VATA KAPHA 2 6 10
DOSHAS AND TIMES OF THE DAY VATA EARLY MORNING PITTA VATA KAPHA 2 6 10 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM Awake before 6:00 AM Good for meditation Morning hygiene
DOSHAS AND TIMES OF THE DAY PITTA MIDDAY PERIOD PITTA VATA KAPHA 2 6 10 10:00AM TO 2:00 PM Digestion is strong Largest meal at lunch
DOSHAS AND TIMES OF THE DAY KAPHA EARLY MORNING PITTA VATA KAPHA 2 6 10 Good for exercise Avoid sleeping into this period Light breakfast (optional) 6:00 AM to 10:AM
Daily Routine Awake early Oil massage, clean teeth, bathe Maharishi’s TM & TM-Sidhi Program Breakfast Work or Study Lunch according to appetite and pulse Exercise to 50% of capacity Rest, Program Dinner, then short walk Relaxing, enjoyable activity Bed before 10:00. (9:30 is better)
Practice Please take your pulse several times in the coming days You may find the pulse becoming more clear, and more balanced See if you notice changes in the pulse after different activities
Wishing Perfect Health