“Teaching generosity changes everything.” Brian Kluth Partnering | Resources | Speaking | Media | Research
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What we’ll be covering Foundational Verse: “The men of Issachar understood the times AND knew what to do.” Giving truths and trends Truths about tithers from the State of the Plate Research 3 Generosity Views 7 MILESTONES in people’s generosity journey 5 WAYS to grow generous givers and giving in any church or ministry, any size, anywhere Q&A Discussion Time
Income and giving trends
NOTE: Copyright permission is granted to all Stewardship Summit participants to share this sheet and/or the full report with those you serve.
Research: Tithers have healthier finances than Christian non-tithers
Giving statements of regular attendees in the average church: 1/3 give $0/year (statement is blank) 1/3 give <$500/year 1/3 give >$500/year In larger churches with 1,000+: 1/2 give $0/year 1/4 give <$500/year 1/4 give >$500/year NOTE: Our research shows active “tithers” make up 5–20% of most congregations, but give 50–80% of all the donations.
Prosperity Gospel Legalistic Giving Biblical Generosity Greed-BasedGuilt-BasedGrace-Based Give to GetGive or the Devil is Gonna Get You Get to Give Owner Mentality Slave Mentality Son/Steward Mentality Give to GET a Blessing Give to AVOID a Curse Give to BE a Blessing Motivation: FortuneMotivation: FearMotivation: Faith Grasping-HandsTight-FistedOpen-Handed 3 Generosity Views by Brian Kluth
SUBMIT yourself and ALL you have to the LORD. 1 STUDY the Scriptures on finances and generosity. 2 SEE what God has provided in your life. 3 SET ASIDE resources to give. 4 SYSTEMATICALLY give to church, ministries, needy. 5 SPONTANEOUSLY give as God prompts you. 6 SIMPLIFY your life to become more generous. 7 7 KEYS TO OPEN-HANDED LIVING IN A TIGHT-FISTED WORLD Milestones in people’s generosity journey Philemon 1:6 You are generous because of your faith.
GROW Generous Givers & Giving #1 INSTRUCT with Scriptures #2 INFLUENCE with Resources #3 INVOLVE with Systems #4 INSPIRE with Stories #5 IGNITE with Vision How to create a culture of generosity in any church or ministry— 5 guiding principles to grow generous givers and giving.
5 proven ways and guiding principles ANY church or ministry, ANYWHERE, and ANY SIZE can grow givers and giving BASIS of your generosity communications is ANCHORED in Scripture, not in budgets, buildings, or bills. 1. INSTRUCT With SCRIPTURES Articles, pamphlets, inserts, web and/or worship videos, classes, cartoons, books, CDs, and 30- or 40-day devotionals (print and/or online) 2. INFLUENCE with RESOURCES Offerings (box/plate), envelopes, online, EFT, Kiosk, Apps, GIK, Legacy Clubs CAMPAIGNS: Building/renovations, missions, debt, special programs 3. INVOLVE with COLLECTION SYSTEMS In your generosity communications, share personal stories of those you serve, those who give, and your own generosity journey. 4. INSPIRE with STORIES Funds and resources flow to need-meeting-ministries, not needy ministries. Have a future vision and past track record worth supporting. 5. IGNITE with VISION
SO WHAT? FOR CHURCHES 50 best practices, 80 websites, and a 12-month planning worksheet kluth.org/increase-generosity.pdfwww.kluth.org/5080.pdfkluth.org/increase-generosity.pdf SO WHAT? FOR MINISTRIES & SCHOOLS 4 partnering opportunities to increase generosity
1. Download and read the 20 Truths about Tithers eReport 2. Discover the giving demographics at your church or ministry 3. Download, share, and discuss… CHURCHES: 50 Best Practices, 80 Websites, and a 12-Month Planning Worksheet MINISTRIES & SCHOOLS: 5 Partnering Opportunities to Increase Generosity f f Next action steps to take…
Thank you! If you would like further information or assistance, contact Brian Kluth at /Cell or or visit the following websites: – Guest speaking – Donor Appreciation Gift – Research – 30 & 40 Day devotionals and videos – Book, CD, bookmark - Radio spots & FREE eDevotional