23/04/ Individual level? At house? At Work? At Service? Selfishness
23/04/ This is the root cause! Selfishness & Greed! Selfishness Ego Lack of Responsibility! Lack of values & humanity! Greed
23/04/ The things that will destroy us are: Politics without principle; Pleasure without conscience; Wealth without work; Knowledge without character; Business without morality; Science without humanity; And worship without sacrifice; Mahatma Gandhi
23/04/ What is our Duty? As a responsible Parents As a responsible Teacher As a responsible child / Student As a responsible Worker / Officer As a responsible Citizen As a responsible human Root cause of corruption is not doing our duty properly!
23/04/ As an individual, we are a small drop in the ocean! But every drop matters!
23/04/ Know your responsibility, Never forget it! Never neglect your duty of your role! Stop lavish spending! Live simple! Be the Change that you want to see in the world!
23/04/ Change is inevitable! Start +ve Change with your life & at your home! Practice of humanity makes us real humans! Be the change that you want to See in the world!
23/04/ Live simple and Help all beings! Earth provides enough to satisfy every man`s need but not every man`s greed
23/04/ Balance Life and Nature! Join hands for better tomorrow!