Samsara, The Wheel of Life and The Three Root Poisons.
The Wheel of Life ( Wheel of Samsara ) The wheel originally came from Hinduism, but was adopted by Buddhism. It helps people to understand the idea of Re-birth and how they can affect their lives, and future lives. Life
Wheel of Life There are 4 circles Each circle represents the constant cycle of rebirth At the centre are the 3 root poisons of greed, hatred and delusion. They feed off of each other which fuels the cycle. They also depend on each other and are shown to be eating each other. Centre
The Three Root Poisons Notice how they’re biting at each others tails. This is because they eat each other. It means that one poison leads to another.
Greed Hatred Ignorance Wishing Passion Ambition Dislike Resentment Irritability Confusion Prejudice Dogmatism
These poisons are deeply embedded within us and our personalities are very attached to each of them. This is why we find it very hard to rid ourselves of these ‘Fetters’, ‘Hindrances’, ‘Knots’, and why it is so difficult to escape from the Wheel of Samsara. These are the cause of all actions that produce bad Kamma and are the cause of all human suffering. The Three Root Poisons
Wheel of Life There are 4 circles This shows images of one being through six different existences. Three good existences are shown on the left and three evil existences on the right. 2 nd from the centre
Wheel of Life There are 4 circles Third circle from the centre These are the realms through which rebirth can move. Hell Animal Ghosts Titans Human Heaven
Wheel of Life There are 4 circles This is supposed to give an idea about how things link to each other as cause and effect. 12 Stages of Dependent Origination
Dependent Origination This is the idea that what you do in your life, can affect what happens in future lives. So the origins of future births are dependent on past life that was lived. This means that some rebirths are going to be less happy than others, due to the previous life.
12 Stages of Dependent Origination 1.Ignorance 2.Kammic Formation 3.Consciousness 4.Mind and Matter 5.Empty House 6.Contact 7.Feeling 8.Craving 9.Grasping 10.Becoming 11.Rebirth 12.Old age and death You do not need to memorise them all. But you do need to understand the basic idea, that our origin is dependent on the actions of those that came before us.
Should the Wheel of Life be seen as a Literal interpretation of the process of Samsara? The short answer is no. Buddhism arose in a Hindu country and so many of it’s ideas were incorporated. Some Buddhists do believe in such things as heavens, hells, demons etc. But for the purpose of this course, we just need to know that the wheel is a pictorial representation of Samsara and the cycle of rebirth. It reminds people how their actions have effects on future rebirths.
1.What does the word Samsara mean? 2.What is the Wheel of Life? 3.What are the three root poisons? 4.Why are the three root poisons at the centre of the Wheel of Life? 5.How can you escape Samsara?