The Cask of Amontillado Edgar Allen Poe By: Casey Boettinger Julia Spencer Tian Brown Xena Musni
o Main Characters Montresor and Fortunato are in a disagreement o Montresor tricks Fortunato into following him deep into his family’s catacombs o Montresor then kills Fortunado
Literary Devices
Irony oFortunato is very unlucky and yet his name means the exact opposite oCask = Casket meaning that the wine lead to his death oFortunato’s attire
Hamartia o“[Fortunato] prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine” (Poe108). oFortunato took himself too seriously oHe was also oblivious to how obviously oblivious he was oThis character flaw lead to his ultimate downfall
Symbolism/Foreshadowing oThe Montresors’ family crest; “‘Nemo me impune lacessit’” (Poe 111). oThis means; “‘No one attacks me with impunity.’ (without being punished)” (Poe 111). o“I smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation”(Poe 108).
Person vs. Person oBetween Fortunato and Montresor oMontresor takes revenge on Fortunato oHis plan was to kill the man during a carnival when Fortunato was very drunk oFortunato was oblivious to the conflict between the two of them
Person vs. Self oThere’s a slight hesitation when Montresor chains Fortunato o“for a brief moment I hesitate, I tremble. Unsheathing my rapier, I began to grope with it about the recess; but the thought of an instant reassured me.” (Poe 113)
Theme-Revenge oTheme statement: Revenge is an all consuming disease. o“I must not only punish but punish with impunity” (Poe 108). oCoat of arms: “Nemo me impune lacessit” (Poe 111). No one attacks me with impunity (without being punished)
Theme- Lust/GREED oTheme Statement: Lust/greed are overbearing emotions which impair judgement. oFortunato doesn’t care about his health o“... Your health is precious. You are rich, respected, admired” (Poe 110). Fortunato responds “the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me” (Poe 110) oOnly cares about the Amontillado
Additional Info
Confusing Vocabulary oPreclude EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “at length I would be avenged... the very definitiveness with which it was resolved, precluded the idea of risk” (Poe108). DEFINITION: Keep from happening
Confusing Vocabulary oImpunity EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “I must not only punish, but punish with impunity.” (Poe 108) oDEFINITION: Exemption from punishment or loss
Confusing Vocabulary oAbscond EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “There were no attendants at home; they had absconded to make merry in honor of the time.” (Poe 110) oDEFINITION: running away, usually includes taking something or somebody along
Confusing Vocabulary oGesticulation EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “He laughed and threw the bottle upwards with a gesticulation I did not understand” (Poe 111). oDEFINITION: An exaggerated gesture
Confusing Vocabulary oNitre EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The vaults are insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre” (Poe 109). oDEFINITION: The short form for potassium nitrate, (KNO 3 ). It forms on walls in a salt form.