Come, See the Works of God Text: Psalm 46 Music: Dwight Armstrong Page 28.


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Presentation transcript:

Come, See the Works of God Text: Psalm 46 Music: Dwight Armstrong Page 28

O God, our strength and ref-uge proves, in all dis-tress a pres-ent aid; Verse 1 of 3

Though the trem-bling earth re-move, we will nev-er be dis-mayed. Verse 1 of 3

King-doms moved, the na-tions raged, and the earth melt-ed at His Word; Verse 1 of 3

The Lord of hosts for us en-gaged, our ref-uge high is Ja-cob’s God. Verse 1 of 3

A riv-er flows, whose liv-ing streams glad-den the cit-y of our God; Verse 2 of 3

Tents where heav-en-ly glo-ry beams, where the Lord has His a-bode. Verse 2 of 3

God has Zi-on His dwell-ing made; she shall nev-er-more be moved; Verse 2 of 3

Her God shall ear-ly give His aid; He her help has ev-er proved. Verse 2 of 3

Come, see the works of God dis- played, wonders of His might-y hand; Verse 3 of 3

Des-o-la-tions He has made, ru-ins spread through all the land. Verse 3 of 3

“Be still, know I am God Most High; o’re the na-tions I will reign.” Verse 3 of 3

The Lord of hosts to us is nigh; Ja-cob’s God our help re-mains. Verse 3 of 3

Come Before His Presence TEXT: Psalm 100 MUSIC: Ross Jutsum Page 59

Come be-fore His pres-ence with sing-ing; make a joy-ful noise to the Lord. Verse 1 of 3

Come and serve the Lord filled with glad- ness, sing-ing prais-es with one ac-cord. Verse 1 of 3

Come be-fore Him with your thanks-giv-ing, and be-fore His throne sing your praise. Verse 1 of 3

Sing your prais-es; al-ways be thank-ful; bless His name through-out all your days. Verse 1 of 3

Come be-fore His pres-ence with sing- ing; make a joy-ful noise all you lands. Verse 2 of 3

It is God, our Lord, who has made us by the pow-er of His com-mand. Verse 2 of 3

In His courts sing loud-ly be-fore Him, as we wor-ship God with our praise. Verse 2 of 3

Come be-fore His pres-ence with sing- ing, as our hearts and voic-es we raise. Verse 2 of 3

Yes, His truth en-dur-eth for-ev-er, and His mer-cy lasts for all time. Verse 3 of 3

The E-ter-nal God ev-er-last-ing, God our Fa-ther gra-cious and kind: Verse 3 of 3

He has made us; we are His peo-ple; and His sheep all fol-low His voice. Verse 3 of 3

Come be-fore His pres-ence with sing- ing; come be-fore Him as we re-joice. Verse 3 of 3

Praise Ye the Lord! Text: Psalm 148 Music: Dwight Armstrong Page 87

Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! Verse 1 of 3

Praise from the heav-ens and praise in the heights! Verse 1 of 3

Praise Him, ye an-gels, praise Him, ye hosts, O Verse 1 of 3

Praise Him, ye sun, moon and stars in the heights! Verse 1 of 3

Heav-en of heav-ens, wa-ters a-bove, Verse 1 of 3

Praise the E-ter-nal, let all praise His name! Verse 1 of 3

When He com-mand-ed they were cre-at-ed, and Verse 1 of 3

By a de-cree fixed their bounds ev-er-more! Verse 1 of 3

Praise ye the Lord! Ye mam-mals and deeps, too, Verse 2 of 3

Fire, hail and wind-storms ful-fill-ing His word! Verse 2 of 3

Va-pors and snow, all hills, too, and moun-tains, all Verse 3 of 3

Ce-dars and fruit trees, let all praise His name! Verse 2 of 3

Wild beasts and cat-tle, winged birds and rep-tiles, Verse 2 of 3

Earth's kings and judg-es, all peo-ple and chiefs; Verse 2 of 3

Young men and maid-ens, old men and chil-dren, O Verse 2 of 3

Praise ye the name of our God ev-er-more! Verse 2 of 3

Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! Verse 3 of 3

Praise from the heav-ens and praise in the heights! Verse 3 of 3

Praise Him, ye an-gels, praise Him, ye hosts, for His Verse 3 of 3

Glo-ry is high-er than heav-en a-bove. Verse 3 of 3

God lift-ed high the horn of His peo-ple; Verse 3 of 3

He has ex-alt-ed the praise of His saints; Verse 3 of 3

They are a peo-ple near un-to God; they’re the Verse 3 of 3

Chil-dren of Is-ra-el, praise ye the Lord! Verse 3 of 3

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory Text: Julia Ward Howe Music: Traditional American melody Page 185

Mine eyes have seen the glo-ry of the com-ing of the Lord; Verse 1 of 3

He is tram-pling out the vin-tage where the grapes of wrath are stored; Verse 1 of 3

He hath loosed the fate-ful light-ning of His ter-ri-ble swift sword; Verse 1 of 3

His truth is march-ing on. Glo-ry! Glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! Verse 1 of 3

Glo-ry! Glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! Glo-ry! Glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! Verse 1 of 3

His truth is march-ing on. Verse 1 of 3

He has sound-ed forth the trum-pet that shall nev-er sound re-treat; Verse 2 of 3

He is sift-ing out the hearts of men be-fore His judg-ment seat; Verse 2 of 3

O be swift my soul, to an-swer Him, be ju-bi-lant my feet! Verse 2 of 3

Our God is march-ing on. Glo-ry! Glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! Verse 2 of 3

Glo-ry! Glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! Glo-ry! Glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! Verse 2 of 3

Our God is march-ing on. Verse 2 of 3

In the beau-ty of the au-tumn Christ was born a-cross the sea, Verse 3 of 3

With a glo-ry in His bos-om that trans-fig-ures you and me; Verse 3 of 3

As He lives to make men ho-ly, let us live to make men free! Verse 3 of 3

While God is march-ing on. Glo-ry! Glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! Verse 3 of 3

Glo-ry! Glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! Glo-ry! Glo-ry! Hal-le-lu-jah! Verse 3 of 3

While God is march-ing on. Verse 3 of 3

Thank You, Lord Text & Music: Ruth Myrick Page 168

Thank you, Lord, for Your bless-ings, for Your Spir-it and love; Verse 1 of 4

Thank you for Your word of truth, and the call-ing from a-bove. Verse 1 of 4

Help us seek first Your King-dom, Your righ-teous-ness and peace; Verse 1 of 4

Give us vi-sion, faith and en-dur-ance, our trust in You in-crease. Verse 1 of 4

Thank you, Lord, for Your mer-cy and for grace ev-'ry day; Verse 2 of 4

Thank you for Your sac-ri-fice, all our sins to wash a-way. Verse 2 of 4

Give us dai-ly re-pent-ance, and cleanse us from our sin; Verse 2 of 4

Please re-store the joy of sal-va-tion, Your peace and love with-in. Verse 2 of 4

Thank you, Lord, for the com-fort that You grant in our need; Verse 3 of 4

May we give it back a-gain to oth-ers as You lead. Verse 3 of 4

Fill our hearts with com-pas-sion, for-give-ness and con-cern; Verse 3 of 4

Give us heal-ing faith in Your Spir-it, help us Your way to learn. Verse 3 of 4

Thank you, Lord, for our breth-ren, lov-ing truth and Your Word; Verse 4 of 4

Thank you for the fel-low-ship, and the Shep-herd's voice we've heard. Verse 4 of 4

Let your mind be with-in us, a ser-vant's heart in-still; Verse 4 of 4

Make us one with You and each oth-er, Your pur-pose to ful-fill. Verse 4 of 4

Onward, Christian Soldiers Text: Sabine Baring-Gould Music: Arthur Sullivan Page 175

On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers! March-ing as to war; Verse 1 of 4

With the word of Je-sus, go-ing on be-fore; Verse 1 of 4

Christ, the roy-al Mas-ter, leads a-gainst the foe; Verse 1 of 4

For-ward in-to bat-tle, see His ban-ners go! Verse 1 of 4

On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers, march-ing as to war; Verse 1 of 4

With the word of Je-sus, go-ing on be-fore. Verse 1 of 4

Like a might-y ar-my, moves the Church of God; Verse 2 of 4

Broth-ers, we are tread-ing, where the saints have trod; Verse 2 of 4

We are not di-vid-ed, all one bod-y we; Verse 2 of 4

One in hope and doc-trine; one in char-i-ty. Verse 2 of 4

On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers, march-ing as to war; Verse 2 of 4

With the word of Je-sus, go-ing on be-fore. Verse 2 of 4

Crowns and thrones may per-ish, king-doms rise and wane; Verse 3 of 4

But the Church of Je-sus con-stant will re-main; Verse 3 of 4

Gates of hell can nev-er 'gainst that Church pre-vail; Verse 3 of 4

We have Christ's own prom-ise, which can nev-er fail. Verse 3 of 4

On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers, march-ing as to war; Verse 3 of 4

With the word of Je-sus, go-ing on be-fore. Verse 3 of 4

On-ward, then, ye peo-ple! Join our hap-py throng; Verse 4 of 4

Blend with ours your voic-es, in the tri-umph song; Verse 4 of 4

Glo-ry, laud and hon-or, un-to Christ the King; Verse 4 of 4

This through count-less a-ges, men and an-gels sing. Verse 4 of 4

On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers, march-ing as to war; Verse 4 of 4

With the word of Je-sus, go-ing on be-fore. Verse 4 of 4