You are worthy to be praised


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Presentation transcript:

You are worthy to be praised My redeemer

I have a God who never fails)3x Who never fails)2x Forever more (Repeat) Amen, Jesus never fails)3x Jesus never fails He never never fails, forever more

Almighty God, that is your name You will never share your glory with anyone You will never share you glory with anybody You are the Lord, that is your name

I have a reason to praise the Lord In my life, I have a reason to praise the Lord

I will praise Him from everlasting Everlasting to everlasting

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest)2x Lord we lift up your name With our hearts full of praise Be exalted O Lord our God Hosanna in the highest

All glory, all glory, all glory to the King of Kings All glory, all glory, all glory to the Lord of Lords Lord we lift up your name With our hearts full of praise Be exalted O Lord our God Hosanna in the highest

All glory glory glory to the Lord)2x Hosanna, hosanna hosanna Blessed be the name of the Lord

You are worthy, You are worthy You are worthy to be glorified

Glory be to God in the highest, hallelujah Everybody shout hallelu...hallelujah Hallelujah, hallelujah For His mercies, hallelujah For His kindness, hallelujah....

I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His courts with praise I will say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice for He has made me glad He has made me glad, I am so glad

In the beauty of your Holiness In the splendor of your love In all your power and awesome glory Lord we worship you

Jesus your name is power Jesus your name is might Jesus your name will break every stronghold

Who is like unto thee, O Lord)4x Among the gods, who is like thee Glorious in holiness Fearful in praises Doing wonders, hallelujah

My lifetime, I give Jesus my lifetime)2x For if I give Him my lifetime He will take care of me He will never never let me down I give Jesus my lifetime

Bless the Lord, O my soul And all that is within me Bless His holy name

He has done great things Praise His holy name

Praise the Lord, O my soul Everybody praise His name Forever He's the King Who reigns in awesome majesty