Welcome to worship at Bethel Church Connecting people to God and to each other!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to worship at Bethel Church Connecting people to God and to each other!

I Love You Lord Klein, Laurie © 1978, 1980 House Of Mercy Music (Maranatha! Music [Admin. by The Copyright Company]) CCLI License # I love You Lord And I lift my voice To worship You O my soul rejoice

Take joy my King In what You hear May it be a sweet sweet sound In Your ear

I love You Lord And I lift my voice To worship You O my soul rejoice

Take joy my King In what You hear May it be a sweet sweet sound In Your ear.

You're Worthy Of My Praise Ruis, David © 1986 Maranatha Praise, Inc. / Shade Tree Music (Maranatha! Music [Admin. by The Copyright Company]) CCLI License # I will worship (I will worship) With all of my heart (with all of my heart) I will praise You (I will praise You) With all of my strength (all my strength)

I will seek You (I will seek You) All of my days (all of my days) I will follow (I will follow) All of Your ways (all Your ways)

I will give You all my worship I will give You all my praise You alone I long to worship You alone are worthy of my praise

I will bow down (I will bow down) And hail You as King (and hail You as King) I will serve You (I will serve You) Give You everything (give you everything)

I will lift up (I will lift up) My eyes to Your throne (my eyes to Your throne) I will trust You (I will trust You) Trust You alone (trust in You alone)

I will give You all my worship I will give You all my praise You alone I long to worship You alone are worthy of my praise

I will give You all my worship I will give You all my praise You alone I long to worship You alone are worthy of my praise

You alone are worthy of my praise.

Thank You Lord Don Moen I come before You today And there is just one thing I want to say Thank You Lord

For all You’ve given to me For all the blessings that I cannot see Thank You Lord

With a grateful heart with a song of praise With an out stretched arm I’ll bless Your Name Thank You Lord I just want to Thank You Lord Thank You Lord I just want to Thank You Lord

For all You’ve done in my life You took my darkness and gave me a light Thank You Lord

You took my sin and my shame You took my sickness And healed all my pain Thank You Lord Thank You Lord

With a grateful heart with a song of praise With an out stretched arm I’ll bless Your Name Thank You Lord I just want to Thank You Lord Thank You Lord I just want to Thank You Lord

Thank You Lord I just want to Thank You Lord Thank You Lord I just want to Thank You Lord.

The King of Glory Comes Willard F. Jabusch/ Israeli arr. By John Ferguson © 1966, Willard F. Jabusch, OCP Publications, 1974, United Church Press. CCLI License # The King of glory comes The nation rejoices Open the gates before him Lift up your voices

Who is the King of glory What shall we call him He is Immanuel The promised of ages

The King of glory comes The nation rejoices Open the gates before him Lift up your voices

He gave his life for us The pledge of salvation He took upon himself The sin of the nations

The King of glory comes The nation rejoices Open the gates before him Lift up your voices

He conquered sin and death He truly has risen And He will share with us His heavenly kingdom

The King of glory come The nation rejoices Open the gates before Him Lift up your voices.

As With Gladness Men of Old Dix, William CCLI License # As with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold As with joy they hailed its light Leading onward beaming bright So most gracious Lord may we Evermore Your splendor see

As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly infant bed There to bend the knee before Christ whom heaven and earth adore So may we with willing feet Ever seek Your mercy seat

As they offered gifts most rare At that cradle plain and bare So may we with holy joy Pure and free from sin’s alloy All our costliest treasures bring Christ to You our heavenly King

Holy Jesus every day Keep us in the narrow way And when mortal things are past Bring our ransomed lives at last Where they need no star to guide Where no clouds Your glory hide

In that glorious city bright None shall need created light You its light its joy its crown You its sun which goes not down There forever may we sing Alleluias to our King!

Please, take the black books, complete the register and pass it down the row. Thank you!

Luke 9:57-62 On Your Mark! Get Set! GrOw!

Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together. Deuteronomy 22:10

As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”

Samaritan man?

As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Samaritan man? Will you go to Jerusalem?

As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

He said to another man, “Follow me.”

But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”

Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”

Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

“I will follow you, Lord…but first…”

What will it cost?

“I will follow you, Lord…but first…” What will it cost? What are your priorities?

“I will follow you, Lord…but first…” What will it cost? What are your priorities? What will I miss out on?

“I will follow you, Lord…but first…”

Luke 9:57-62 On Your Mark! Get Set! GrOw!

Cry of My Heart Butler, Terry, © 1991 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing (Admin. by Music Services) CCLI License # It is the cry of my heart To follow You It is the cry of my heart To be close to You It is the cry of my heart To follow all of the days of my life

It is the cry of my heart To follow You It is the cry of my heart To be close to You It is the cry of my heart To follow all of the days of my life

Teach me Your holy ways oh Lord So I can walk in Your truth Teach me Your holy ways oh Lord And make me wholly devoted to You

It is the cry of my heart To follow You It is the cry of my heart To be close to You It is the cry of my heart To follow all of the days of my life

Open my eyes so I can see The wonderful things that You do Open my heart up more and more And make me wholly devoted to You

It is the cry of my heart To follow You It is the cry of my heart To be close to You It is the cry of my heart To follow all of the days of my life.

Sent Forth by God’s Blessing Westendorf, Omer CCLI License # Sent forth by God’s blessing Our true faith confessing The people of God From this dwelling take leave

The service is ended O now be extended The fruits of our worship In all who believe

The seed of the teaching Receptive souls reaching Shall blossom in action For God and for all

God’s grace did invite us And love shall unite us To work for God’s kingdom And answer the call

With praise and thanksgiving To God ever living The tasks of our everyday life we will face

Our faith ever sharing In love ever caring Embracing God’s children Of each tribe and race

With Your grace you feed us With Your light now lead us Unite us as one In this life that we share

Then may all the living With praise and thanksgiving Give honor to Christ And that name which we bear.

If you would like someone to pray with you, there will be someone in the front of the sanctuary after the service.

Thank you for joining us at Bethel Church Connecting people to God and to each other!