Exams Back [with a significant point adjustment] Check grading as always Two exams without names – please see me if you do not receive yours back in your mailbox! Keys on Blackboard Exam Statistics Distribution of Grades –A30 –B26 –C23 –D20 –F19 Range of scores –42-100
Important Announcement Make-up exams – Friday, 12 December –3:00-5:30 in Jenks 406 –If you have missed an exam, this will be the day to retake it. It will be in essay format. –If you wish to re-take any exam on which you have not earned the grade you would like, you may do so on reading day. You must let me know via by the end of this week (5 December) if you wish to take advantage of this option. –In order to study for these exams, please use the study questions posted on Blackboard.
O Come, O Come Immanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice, rejoice; Immanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
O Come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan’s tyranny From depths of hell Thy people save, And give them victory o’er the grave. Rejoice, rejoice Immanuel shall come to Thee, O Israel.
O Come, Thou Key of David, come And open wide our heavenly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. Rejoice, rejoice; Immanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
Prophets of the South: The Destruction of Jerusalem
Review Questions What “super-power” was the major threat during the prophetic ministries of Isaiah and Micah? For which good king did Isaiah serve as “advisor”? Which king initiated a reform during which the Torah was found? Approximately how many years passed between that event and the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians?
Jeremiah “Let the one who has my word speak it faithfully” (23:28)
The Political Circumstances (Jer 1:2-3) From the 13 th year of Josiah (627) to the 11 th year of Zedekiah (586) – oracles not in chronological order –Jehoahaz –Jehoiakim –Jehoiachin Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar were in control of Judah – Jer 34:6-7 – only Lachish and Azekah left Israelites were deported to Babylon in 605 and 597 prior to Temple’s destruction (586) – this is why Jeremiah wrote to people already in Babylon Egypt was a tempting alternative for some – Jer on the flight of the remaining people to Egypt
Exile to Babylon
Jeremiah’s Difficult Calling The initial calling as son of Hilkiah (1:1) Called before he was born (1:5) Called to stand in opposition to the Religious Establishment (1:17-19) Continued opposition: –From kings (32:3 – Zedekiah; 36:1-32 – Jehoiakim) –From false prophets and priests (20:1-6 – Pashur; 23:9-40; 28: Hananiah) –From the people (11:18-22 – plot to kill him) –Jeremiah’s feelings about his ministry: grief and dismay (4:18-22); despair (20:7-18); apparently ineffective ministry for 23 years (25:3)
The Imagery in Jeremiah’s Messages Linen belt (ch 13) – symbolizing binding the people of Israel to God Potter’s house (ch 18) Breaking a jar in Hinnom Valley (ch 19) Basket of figs (ch 24) – the good figs were those who had gone to Babylon with Jehoiachin; the bad ones were the ones remaining under Zedekiah Wearing a yoke (ch 27) – symbolizing subservience to Nebuchadnezzar of Judah and all the surrounding peoples
The Content of Jeremiah’s Messages The disobedience of generation after generation would bring the curses of the covenant (Lev 26) Exile and judgment –Captivity in Babylon for 70 years (25:11) –The cup of God’s wrath ( 25:15-17; see also Jer 13:13; 49:12; 51:7; Isaiah 52:17-23; Ezekiel 23:32-34; Psalm 60:3; and the seven bowls of God’s wrath – Revelation 16-17) Promises –Return from exile and restoration (29:10-14) –New covenant (ch 31 quoted in Hebrews 8)
Additional Information about Jeremiah Baruch was Jeremiah’s scribe Jeremiah’s words contain prophecies for other nations (chs 46-51) Lamentations was ascribed to Jeremiah – Chapters 1-4 are acrostics –Chapter 5 is not – representing complete absence of order –Note 3:21-26
Habakkuk Literary forms in the book –Questions (complaint) of the prophet and answers from God “How can evil go on unchecked?” God will raise up the Babylonians! “How can God use a nation so vile?” The wicked will not last. Evil is self-destructive but the righteous must live in faithfulness (note Galatians 3:11) –Psalm of God’s appearing in judgment (3:1-16) and the prophet’s faith (3:17-19) Lessons
Obadiah Background and date –probably around the time of the fall of Jerusalem –Parallels with Jeremiah 49:9 Messages –Doom on Edom –Day of the Lord for all nations –Restoration for Israel
“Clefts of the rock” (Sela)
Zephaniah Background – descendant of Hezekiah; during time of Josiah Messages –Comprehensive destruction on the Day of the Lord in conjunction with specific condemnation of Judah and Jerusalem –Condemnation of surrounding nations –Restoration