1Corinthians 13:1-13 Greatest Chapters in the Bible 1Corinthians 13
The sermon series: 1.Exodus 20.7.Matthew 5. 2.Psalms 1 & 23.8.Romans 8. 3.Psalm Corinthians Psalm Corinthians Proverbs Hebrews Isaiah James 2. Greatest Chapters in the Bible (1Corinthians 13)
Greatest Chapters in the Bible (1Corinthians) Love. How can we define it?
Greatest Chapters in the Bible (1Corinthians) How can we be commanded to love? Four Greek words: Eros.Phileo. Storge.Agape.
Greatest Chapters in the Bible (1Corinthians) 1Corinthians 13:1-3 Love is necessary for the use of spiritual gifts.
Greatest Chapters in the Bible (1Corinthians) Agape love does the following: a.It is longsuffering (13:4) -- it endures. b.It is kind (13:4) -- it is always courteous. c.It rejoices in the truth (13:6) -- it wants to hear good things. d.It bears all things (13:7) -- it puts up with adversity.
Greatest Chapters in the Bible (1Corinthians) Agape love does the following: e.It believes all things (13:7) -- it isn’t suspicious. f.It hopes all things (13:7) -- it is optimistic. g.It endures all things (13:7) -- it is faithful. h.It never fails (13:8) -- it never, ever gives up.
Greatest Chapters in the Bible (1Corinthians) Agape love does NOT do the following: a.It does not envy (13:4) -- it isn’t jealous. b.It does not exalt itself (13:4) -- it doesn’t brag. c.It is not puffed up (13:4) -- it is not arrogant. d.It does not behave unseemly (13:5) -- it is never rude.
Greatest Chapters in the Bible (1Corinthians) Agape love does NOT do the following: e.It does not seek its own (13:5) -- it isn’t selfish. f.It is not easily provoked (13:5) -- not hot tempered. g.It does not think evil of others (13:5) -- it does not assume the worst. h.It does not rejoice in iniquity (13:6) -- it does not like to hear about sin.
Greatest Chapters in the Bible (1Corinthians) This kind of love is eternal (13:13). Happiness does not come from having things or having things done for us. It comes from being thankful for what we have and to those who are a blessing in our lives. Learn to focus on the needs of others, do the right things, and be grateful for the blessings that we receive--that’s “agape.”