AIMS & OBJECTIVES To explore some of the truths that the Bible says about praise and worship To discuss the relationship between praise and worship To explain the importance of praise and worship To encourage deeper private and corporate study into praise and worship
Introductory Q & A session Q1. How would you define praise? Q2. How would you define worship? Q3. When was ‘worship’ and then ‘praise’ first mentioned in the Bible?
Answer to Question3 First mention of worship in the Bible –Genesis 22:1-5 –Abraham tested –Worshipped God - Isaac to die First mention of praise in the Bible –Genesis 29:35 –Leah blessed –Praised the Lord - Judah born
PRAISE An act of worship or acknowledgement by which the virtue and deeds of another are extolled (honoured and glorified).
PRAISE HALLELUJAH – to praise, to rejoice, to boast about someone (all of you must praise Jehovah – Hallelu-Jah) – Psalm 150 BARAK – to bless, suggests kneeling down in prayer – Psalm 103:1-2, Psalm 113:1-3 ZAMAR – musical praise to God (often used in the Psalms) – Psalm 92:1-3, Psalm 81:1-2
PRAISE SHABACH – to commend, to praise, to adore, to glory in something (to still, quiet or pacify someone) – Psalm 117:1 YADAH – to publicly acknowledge God – Psalm 138:1, 2 Chronicles 20:19-21 TOWDAH – to give thanks and involves the raising of hands in adoration. It suggests an attitude of sacrificial praise – 2 Chronicles 7:1-6
PRAISE TEHILLAH – to sing our Hallelujah’s, a celebration, a lauding of someone, praiseworthy, the praise or exaltation of God, (Book of Psalms is called ‘Tehillum (plural) which literally means Book of Praise – Psalm 22:3, 34:1, 40:3, 60:1-3
PRAISE KEY POINTS Pathway to God’s presence – Psalm 22:3 Leadership role – Numbers 2:3,9, Judges 1:1-4 Power of unity – 2 Chronicles 5:13 Defeats the enemy – 2 Chronicles 20:22-25 Praise opens prison doors and saves families – Acts 16:25-31
WORSHIP Reverent devotion and allegience pledged to God; the rituals or ceremonies by which this reverence is expressed. ‘Worship’ comes from the old English word ‘Worthship’ – which denotes the worthiness of the one receiving the special honour or devotion.
MUSIC & WORSHIP Music is important, but worship is not just music – it involves our entire relationship with God, all our heart, mind, soul, and strength – it involves all the ways in which we can respond to God, all the ways we can praise him by what we say and do, all the ways we can demonstrate that God is worthy of all praise and honor and allegiance.
WORSHIP ABODA or LATREIA – means Service (Romans 12 v 1-2) SHACHAC - means to Bow Down (Proverbs 1:7) HOMOLOGIA – means Agreement (John 4:23-24, Matt 5:23-24) THUSIA – means Sacrifice (Eph 5:2, Phil 2:17)
WORSHIP Corporate worship in the New Testament Church includes Holy Spirit-led: Prayer Fasting Praise The Word (preaching, exalting, teaching, studying) The Lord’s Supper Prophecies and other signs of gifts of the Spirit Tithes and Offering Prayer for the unsaved, sick and those in needs
WORSHIP Personal worship in the New Testament believer includes Holy Spirit-led: A Witness of the Love of God Prayer and Fasting Praise The Word (reading, studying, meditating) Giving – time, resources, spiritual and natural gifts