The 3 R’s A Study From Eccl.11:9- 12:1 Reading Riting Rithmetic The Spiritual 3 R’s.


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Presentation transcript:

The 3 R’s A Study From Eccl.11:9- 12:1 Reading Riting Rithmetic The Spiritual 3 R’s

Rejoice O Young Man Enjoy Life in the Strength of Youth Prov.20:29 Eccl.2:24; 3:12-13; 5:18; 9:9 Acts 14:17 1 Tim.6:17

Rejoice O Young Man Playing Sports Shopping Hunting Fishing Listening to Music Reading Watch Movies Bicycling Ps2 - Nintendo Skating Bowling Hiking Dirt Bikes Makeup Horse Riding Stamp Collecting Watch TV Board Games Jewelry 4 Wheeling Texting Friends Swimming

Rejoice O Young Man Put Away Evil From Your Life Rom.13:13-14 Prov.20:1; 23: Cor.6:18-20, Heb.13:4 1 Tim.6: Pet.3:10-12 For Many: Rebellion, Riot Ruin Remove Sorrow From Thy Heart

Rejoice O Young Man Living For God Everyday The Creator – Gen.1:1; Jn.1:1-3 Don’t Forget God: Deut.8:11 & 19 Remember – “Act Upon” 1 Sam.1:19 Daniel, Joseph, David, Josiah, Timothy Now – 2 Cor.6:2, Heb.3:15 Remove Sorrow From Thy Heart Remember Now Thy Creator

Are You Serving God? 1.Hear the Gospel of Christ, Acts 18:8 2.Believe in Jesus Christ, Acts 16:31 3.Repent and Turn to God, Acts 17:30 4.Confess Jesus Before Men, Matt.10:32 5.Baptized Into Christ, Gal.3:  Grow And Be Faithful, Matt.10:22  If You Err From The Faith : Repent and Pray God Acts 8:22