What kind of friend is Jesus? The kind that rejoices and cries with you.


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Presentation transcript:

What kind of friend is Jesus?

The kind that rejoices and cries with you.

Why does Jesus weep?

Over suffering/death

Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.”

What happens when friends mourn together:

People can be real

What happens when friends mourn together: People can be real Strength is gained in company

What happens when friends mourn together: People can be real Strength is gained in company Mourning + Isolation= Danger

What happens when friends rejoice together:

Shared rejoicing demonstrates real love

What happens when friends rejoice together: Shared rejoicing demonstrates real love Relationships are strengthened

What happens when friends rejoice together: Shared rejoicing demonstrates real love Relationships are strengthened Love is enhanced

What it means that Jesus rejoices and cries with us:

We can trust Jesus with our hearts

What it means that Jesus rejoices and cries with us: We can trust Jesus with our hearts Our victories and our defeats

What it means that Jesus rejoices and cries with us: We can trust Jesus with our hearts We gain strength from his presence

What it means that Jesus rejoices and cries with us: We can trust Jesus with our hearts We gain strength from his presence “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

What it means that Jesus rejoices and cries with us: We can trust Jesus with our hearts We gain strength from his presence Our joy is enhanced!