Serenity By: Angeline Kelly. Definition: The absence of mental stress and anxiety. Peace of mind. With serenity and inner peace in life, it is easier.


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Presentation transcript:

Serenity By: Angeline Kelly

Definition: The absence of mental stress and anxiety. Peace of mind. With serenity and inner peace in life, it is easier to focus on the task that is at hand and not worry about things that are out of reach; more things will get done because there will be no anxiety. Relaxed, focused, responsible. Without serenity and inner peace, one will worry a lot about things that are beyond their control. Constantly trying to change people or things and ends up never getting anything accomplished. A person may be uptight, off task, and have anxiety about things that are not important.

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Philippians 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.

Christian Morality says that a person should have goals and objectives to achieve serenity. The virtue of serenity gives us peace of mind, then we are not always worried about something that we have no control over, and we are more likely to complete the goal or objective that is at hand. When we deal with things with serenity and peace, then we are able to decide more calmly; focusing only on the most important things in life.

 Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power.” --Benjamin Disraeli -We have no control over the way things turn out. But the way we accept the things we have no control over, is in our control. This quote relates to serenity because it says to accept the things you have no control of.  “Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others” --Gerald Jampolsky -To achieve serenity and peace of mind, one must stop wanting to change things. They must accept that they can’t control everything. Once they accept this, then they will be content.  “Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.” --Jawaharlal Nehru quotes -Serenity is a state of mind. To have serenity you must let go of a lot of anger that is kept inside. Once the anger is gone, there is peace of mind.

Saint Francis of Assisi Born in Assisi in either 1181 or 1182, his father was a prosperous merchant and Francis planned to follow in his footsteps. Around 1205 he enlisted in the military, but he returned home to Assisi and cared for the sick after God came to him in a dream and called him to his service. Francis became a hermit, and his father was so angry that he had him imprisoned. He gave up all of his rights and possessions including his clothes.

Saint Francis of Assisi Later in life he felt as though he was called to preach, and was soon joined by companions who he called the Friars Minor. Francis called for simplicity of life, poverty, and humility before god. He is honored by the Catholic Church as the patron saint of animals and ecology. Saint Francis relates to serenity because of what he set out to do when he was called to preach. He had a very calm and peaceful state of mind, he knew that he didn’t need all of the things that would only end up causing chaos in his mind. He gave it up for a life of simplicity and serenity.

Serenity in Nature

Miley Cyrus- The Climb

Journal Reflection 1.Describe a time in your life that was chaotic or stressful. Reflect on how the virtue of serenity could have help you changed the situation? 2.What specific ways – healthy activities - can you do to integrate this virtue into your everyday life? 3.Where do you usually go to find peace and solace in your life? Explain why this place brings peace and comfort in your body, mind and soul. 4.What is a symbol of peace and contentment for you? Explain your choice. (Tree)

Class Activity Find a place outside that you think looks serene. Sit quietly and think about the things in your life that you don’t have any control over, but still worry about. Once you have thought of these things, let them go. These thoughts are slowing you down and causing anxiety. It is important to find a place where you have peace of mind and serenity. You can reflect about your thoughts in your journal and draw a picture of the place that you have chosen to sit.

God, Help us take the time out of our busy lives to just stop and relax. Help us find a place of serenity and to accept that we cannot have control over everything. Help us to not worry about things that are out of our reach. Amen