Journal of Social Work Education Editor in Chief S usan P. Robbins, Ph.D., LCSW UNIVERSITYofHOUSTON
Target the right Journal!
ALWAYS have colleagues review your papers prior to submission!
Journal of Social Work Education General ManuscriptsNotes Conceptual Teaching Quantitative Field Qualitative Research Mixed Methods Systematic Reviews
Guidelines for submission Submissions to JSWE are accepted only through the online manuscript submission system Full guidelines can be found at: Always follow the guidelines for any journal!
The Review Process: What to Expect JSWE requires a minimum of 2 reviews We request a day turn around for all reviews Average time from submission to final decision is 130 days Reviews go the Editor in Chief for a final decision
JSWE Stats for the last 12 months Avg. Time to Assign Reviewer (days) - Original 41.7 Avg. Reviewer turnaround time (days) - Original 17.1 Avg. days from submission to first decision Avg. Time to Assign Reviewer (days) - Revision 3.6 Avg. Reviewer turnaround time (days) - Revision 10.7 Avg. days from submission to final decision 130.0
Accept Conditional Accept Reject unless Revised (also known as Revise and Resubmit) Reject
If you get a Revise/Resubmit: Rejoice- and Revise!
Respond to all concerns
Copyright all diagrams, tables, and figures you may want to use in future publications! Example: © Susan P. Robbins, 2014