A shared journey What is God saying to us? Where are we going? What should we be doing? What are our values?


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Presentation transcript:

A shared journey What is God saying to us? Where are we going? What should we be doing? What are our values? Help the Territory to answer some important questions We want to hear people’s views, ideas and feelings on areas for improvement Being focused on the kingdom dimension of the mission of God Listening and learning together

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Let’s begin with a prayer

Verse1. I believe that God the Father Can be seen in God the Son, In the gentleness of Jesus Love for all the world is shown. Though men crucify their Saviour, And his tenderness rebuff, God is love, the cross is saying, Calvary is proof enough. Congregational Song Salvation Army Song Book 324 (John Gowans) Salvation Army Tune Book 429 (Bethany)

Verse 2. I believe in transformation, God can change the hearts of men, And refine the evil nature Till it glows with grace again. Others may reject the weakling, I believe he can be strong, To the family of Jesus All God's children may belong. Congregational Song Salvation Army Song Book 324 (John Gowans) Salvation Army Tune Book 429 (Bethany)

Verse 3. In a world of shifting values, There are standards that remain, I believe that holy living By God's grace we may attain. All would hear the Holy Spirit If they listen to his voice, Every Christian may be Christlike And in liberty rejoice. Congregational Song Salvation Army Song Book 324 (John Gowans) Salvation Army Tune Book 429 (Bethany)

Verse 4. All the promises of Jesus Are unchanged in every way, In my yesterdays I proved them, I believe them for today. Still God gives his willing servant Full equipment for the task; Power is found by those who seek it, Grace is given to those who ask. Congregational Song Salvation Army Song Book 324 (John Gowans) Salvation Army Tune Book 429 (Bethany)

We pray… That God would bring spiritual renewal to the Army, and that this might result in more effective holistic mission Thanksgiving for a renewed passion for whole life discipleship in the UKI That in delivering our mission to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity, we too would know the transforming power of God's Holy Spirit Discipleship and spiritual renewal

We pray... For people's willingness to engage in the Great Mission Conversation across the Territory For a sense of developing shared vision as we travel through this process together For insight and sensitivity to all people connected to our movement as we manage the Fit for Mission process For the leaders of the Territory, who are tasked with making wise decisions through the Fit for Mission process For children and young people as we consider the future of our Territory For the Fit for Mission team as they listen, learn and implement Being Fit for Mission

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We pray… For all the people who are reached through our ministry, that they will find purpose, meaning and new relationships For people in the community who support the Salvation Army, donors, volunteers and those who pray for us and our ministry For greater understanding of our mission calling to be a ‘sent people’ The community, at the heart of everything that we do

We pray… That our mission to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity would be evident across all of our services That the whole gospel will be proclaimed to the whole person by the whole church in the whole community That all our services will share their God given resources with one another to enable effective mission, making us truly partners in mission That through collaborative and interdependent working we may be all that God wants us to be Integrated mission

Get involved: Take part in our survey Takes 15 minutes to complete Share your ideas and stories Paper copies available from the Salvation Army intranet and from the FFM team for people without access to the internet Contributions wanted 10 January — 24 February 2014 online from What happens now Talk to us via Share any concerns, questions, ideas and feedback

Get involved: we need your prayers Wherever, whenever and however you do it — please pray Help us to soak the Great Mission Conversation and Fit for Mission in prayer Prayer resources available from the Fit For Mission website Send in your prayer ideas and your prayer requests and we’ll share them on our website and next newsletter Will you commit to doing something personally and in your local Salvation Army community? What happens now

Verse 1. Great is the darkness that covers the earth, Oppression, injustice and pain. Nations are slipping in hopeless despair, Though many have come in Your name. Watching while sanity dies, Touched by the madness and lies. Congregational Song Words and Music Noel Richards and Gerald Coates Copyright 1992 Kingsway’s ThankYou Music

Chorus Come, Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, Pour out Your Spirit we pray. Come, Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, Pour out Your Spirit on us today. Congregational Song Words and Music Noel Richards and Gerald Coates Copyright 1992 Kingsway’s ThankYou Music

Verse 2. May now Your church rise with power and love, This glorious gospel proclaim. In every nation salvation will come To those who believe in Your name. Help us bring light to this world That we might speed Your return. Congregational Song Words and Music Noel Richards and Gerald Coates Copyright 1992 Kingsway’s ThankYou Music

Chorus Come, Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, Pour out Your Spirit we pray. Come, Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, Pour out Your Spirit on us today. Congregational Song Words and Music Noel Richards and Gerald Coates Copyright 1992 Kingsway’s ThankYou Music

Verse 3. Great celebrations on that final day When out of the heavens You come. Darkness will vanish, all sorrow will end, And rulers will bow at Your throne. Our great commission complete, Then face to face we shall meet. Congregational Song Words and Music Noel Richards and Gerald Coates Copyright 1992 Kingsway’s ThankYou Music

Chorus Come, Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, Pour out Your Spirit we pray. Come, Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, Pour out Your Spirit on us today. Congregational Song Words and Music Noel Richards and Gerald Coates Copyright 1992 Kingsway’s ThankYou Music

Fit for Mission: A Responsive Prayer All: Father God, we thank you that you are always listening to our prayers. We come to you now with confidence for we know you are with us by your Spirit. Leader: We bring to you your church, The Salvation Army, and earnestly pray for your continued guidance and blessing upon us. All: We give thanks for the amazing history of this Christian movement. Now we urgently seek power for the Mission of The Salvation Army today. Leader: We pray for revival: in each one of us, in the Church and in this nation. I humbly ask for the fire of your Holy Spirit to descend on us all. All: We recognise there is a deep need for us to be filled with your Spirit; to be passionate for you Lord and to share the good news of your salvation. Let’s end with prayer

Fit for Mission: A Responsive Prayer Leader: We pray that we will all be agents of transformation, sharing the transforming power of Jesus Christ. All: We ask you to refresh us and empower us so we can be effective disciples as we live out our salvation; shining as lights where there is darkness. Leader: We pray that we may all sincerely consider how we are individually serving suffering humanity. All: We confess that often we are selfish and forget to pray and act for those in need of material and spiritual help; we forget those trapped in poverty or bound by addictions. Forgive us Lord.

Fit for Mission: A Responsive Prayer Leader: We pray that as we all consider our own faith relationship with you Lord we will recommit ourselves to go for souls and to serve others in your name. All: We claim strength for the battle: courage to speak and act against injustice, compassion for the suffering, love for the unloved and power to tell our faith story. Leader: We stand together in this prayer and believe that as we rise up in the power of the Spirit of God we will know we are fit for the mission of saving souls, growing saints and serving suffering humanity. All: Amen.

Wishing you God’s blessings