use your mouse or keyboard to advance slide Sound on please Windmills of your mind Henri Mancini
When once you have tasted flight you will always walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward: for there you have been and there you will always be.
To desire and strive to be of some service to the world, to aim at doing something which shall really increase the happiness and welfare and virtue of mankind - this is a choice which is possible for all of us; and surely it is a good haven to sail for.
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.
There is a loftier ambition than merely to stand high in the world. It is to stoop down and lift mankind a little higher.
Look around for a place to sow a few seeds.
I thank God for the honesty and virility of religion which makes us face the facts and calls us to take a man's part in the real battle of life.
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