What is gin.o.mai? gin.o.mai is a college age ministry designed to equip young adults with the principles and mechanics required for living the Christian life. From the Koine Greek verb gin.o.mai (gihn-o-my) Verb: to become into existence through transition from one state into another.
2 Corinthians 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Introduction to gin.o.mai Two Terms to know: 1.Positionally: A reference to one’s position in relationship to something else. 2.Experientially: A reference to one’s experience in relationship to something else.
Review of the Introduction to The Epistle of James Author: God Writer: James (brother of Jesus) Time Period: ~45-50 A.D. Written To: Those scattered from Jerusalem.
Review of the Introduction to The Epistle of James James deals with one topic which he addresses through four evidences. 1.True Spirituality: a. Faith in action. b. Self-Control. c. Unselfish, Generous, Impartial, Patient. d. Submits to God through Prayer. James teaches what True Spirituality means, and also teaches the mechanics needed in order to be “Truly Spiritual.”
Review of the Introduction to The Epistle of James Because of immense persecution during the years immediately following Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, the believing Jews in Jerusalem fled to different parts of the world. This is one of the greater reasons for the rapid expansion of Christianity during the second half of the first century.
Trials & Tribulations (Part 1) It is because of this dispersion and the conflict surrounding the (dee-ah-spor-ah) that James opens up his epistle with the topic of trials & tribulations. “ 2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.”
Trials & Tribulations (Part 1) Remember! James uses the word (kai-rein) to greet the Jews of the dispersion in verse 1 (translated “Greetings” by some translations. means “to rejoice.” Because of its grammatical construction as a present active imperative infinitive, it commands the scattered Jewish believers to “continuously perform the action to rejoice as a matter of purpose.” James is now going to explain to them how and why they can rejoice.
Trials & Tribulations (Part 1) Verse 2: “ ” “Consider it all joy…” “ ” means “to hold an opinion which governs thought process.” James uses the imperative mood to identify this as a command to the .
Mood in Koine Greek Mood is used in Koine Greek to establish the atmosphere of an action or state of being. There are four types of mood in Koine Greek: 1.Indicative Mood- identifies reality 2.Optative Mood- identifies desire 3.Imperative Mood- identifies command 4.Subjunctive Mood- identifies possibility “ ” is in the Imperative Mood. This identifies it as being a command.
A Protocol The command of James to the is “to hold an opinion which governs thought process.” James is creating a protocol to be used for a specific situation. The protocol is dependent upon the opinion which is being referenced and the situation which demands the protocol. There are two parts to this command: 1. Having an opinion. 2. Letting that opinion govern your thought process so as to influence your mindset or attitude.
The Opinion What is the opinion which is to be held? 1. it alljoy “ ” is in the accusative case. Therefore it is the direct object of the verb. Because of this grammatical relationship we know that the opinion to be held is one of joy. Joy is the opinion which must be held as a part of this protocol.
What is ? is a mental state of happiness based on the occurrence or reality of an action or a belief. This means that joy is the result of something else. The use of the feminine gender harmonizes with this understanding. The use of emphasizes the totality or completeness of joy which is to be held.
Gender in Koine Greek Koine Greek uses gender to identify relationship correlations over biological construction. 3 Gender Types: 1. Masculine gender – identifies an initiator 2.Neuter gender – identifies a tool or instrument 3.Feminine gender – identifies a responder is in the feminine gender which identifies it as a response or a responder.
Sidenote 1: and (grace) is an attitude of favor towards an object or being which is independent of the being or object which is favored. It is a mindset which is not earned by the recipient. For example: Ephesians 2:8-9
Sidenote 1 “For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 Grace is the attitude which God has that led to the gift. The grammatical construction of the verse clearly indicates that the gift and the attribute of being saved are the same and therefore the gift is salvation. This gift is made available to man (the recipient) because of the attitude of favor which God has towards humanity ( ), in spite of humanity’s sinful and disobedient state.
Sidenote 1 has the same stem as and they are linked because of this. Grace actually leads to joy. This will be evident in part 3 of Trials & Tribulations in two weeks.
Trials & Tribulations (part 1) “ ” is the object which is able to govern thought process. In order for this to be the case though, “all joy” must be the opinion held. The one’s receiving the command were the , therefore they are the one’s who are commanded to hold “all joy” and let it be the object which governs their thought process.
Trials & Tribulations (part 1) James is commanding the to “hold an opinion of all joy which governs your thought process.” is in the middle voice which identifies that the participates in the action with another object or being and is affected by the action as well.
Voice in Koine Greek Voice is used in Koine Greek to express how the subject operates in relationship to the verb. There are three types of voice in Koine Greek: 1.Active Voice – the subject performs the action. 2.Middle Voice – the subject participates in the action. 3.Passive Voice – the subject is acted upon by the action. “ ” is in the Middle Voice. This identifies the subject as participating in the action of holding the opinion of joy.
Trials & Tribulations (part 1) The action of the protocol has been established then as, “hold the opinion of all joy which governs your thought process.” However, the identification of when to implement that action has yet to be identified. The second part of verse 2 reveals the “when” of the protocol.
Sidenote 2 James interrupts the action and the “when” of the protocol with a term of endearment that is designed to encourage the . “ ” “mebrothers “ ” literally means “brothers of me.”
Sidenote 2 James is identifying the as his brothers. They are of the same “family.” James was also a Jew. His parents were descendants of Israel. 1. Joseph was a descendant of Abraham through King David (Solomon). 2. Mary was a descendant of Abraham through King David (Nathan).
Sidenote 2 Being a Jew, James was also then: a. Under the same Law. b. Faced with the same decision regarding Jesus (his brother) as being the promised Messiah. c. Under the same persecution for having accepted Jesus as the Messiah. In these three ways James was their brother as well as a brother in Christ.
Trials & Tribulations (part 1) The second part of verse 2 reveals the “when” of the protocol. “ ” “When you encounter” “ ” means “when.” It possesses an interesting function when used with an aorist tense verb (such as ).
Trials & Tribulations (part 1) The second part of verse 2 reveals the “when” of the protocol. “ ” “When you encounter” “ ” is an aorist subjunctive verb which means “run into.” It identifies both movement and the sudden coming against an object (i.e.: a ship running into a sand bar).
Mood in Koine Greek Mood is used in Koine Greek to establish the atmosphere of an action or state of being. There are four types of mood in Koine Greek: 1.Indicative Mood- identifies reality 2.Optative Mood- identifies desire 3.Imperative Mood- identifies command 4.Subjunctive Mood- identifies possibility “ ” is in the Subjunctive Mood. This identifies it as being a possibility.
Tense in Koine Greek Tense is used to identify the type of action in Koine Greek more so than the time of action. There are many tenses and combinations of tenses. The aorist tense identifies an action as a snapshot event. It is a point of time on a timeline. Much like a polaroid photo captures an event, the aorist tense identifies an action as a point in time.
Trials & Tribulations (part 1) James is telling the to act out the protocol when, in points in time in their life, they run into trials and tribulations. “ ” “varioustrials“ “ ” means “different forms of something.” The “something” which takes on “different forms” is .
Trials & Tribulations (part 1) “ ” means, “something which attempts to learn the nature or character of something through evaluation.” In that sense, “test” may be a good summary of the idea. The understanding is that of a circumstance which tests an individual’s resolve, nature, or character in an attempt to discover what it is made of.
Trials & Tribulations (part 1) Truth: Trials and testings come from Satan & Company, and not from God. “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God’…” James 1:13 “Put on the full armor of God,…For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places…” Ephesians 6: 11-12
Trials & Tribulations (part 1) Jesus said, “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” As believers, we will have tribulation in this world. Sin still exists here. However, we know that we will not always have tribulation. It will not be constant. Yet, as we walk we can expect that trials and tribulations will present themselves. We will run into them on this earth.
Trials & Tribulations (part 1) When trials arise it is our job to enact Trial Protocol by “having an opinion of all joy which governs our thought process.” Let joy take over your attitude in your trials and you will be able to trust God through them. Verse 3 gives the “Why” to our protocol as it identifies the result of testing in our life and therefore gives us the ability to maintain our opinion of all joy throughout the trials we encounter.
Trial Protocol Summary The action of the protocol: Hold the opinion of all joy which governs your thought process. When to enact the action: When you run into things which attempt to learn your nature or character through evaluation.