Vocab Lesson 2 Synonyms & Antonyms
antithesis Synonyms Opposite Reverse Contrast contradictory Antonyms Same agreement
bauble Synonyms Knickknack Novelty Trifle trinket Antonyms
bestial Synonyms barbarish boorish Savage cruel Antonyms Generous Gentle humane
bland Synonyms banal Blah Boring monotonous Antonyms Distinctive Caustic original
chagrin Synonyms mortification humiliation shame Antonyms pleasure joy Triumph delight
diaphanous Synonyms clear Flimsy Sheer Translucent transparent Antonyms Opaque Thick Heavy course
effete Synonyms Degenerate Enervated Weak Feeble immoral Antonyms Capable Tireless productive
emmendation Synonyms Change Correction Amendment alteration Antonyms Blunder Goof mistake
gloat Synonyms Rub it in celebrate Rejoice Boast strut Antonyms Be modest Be quiet
impediment Synonyms Barrier Encumbrance Deterrent Antonyms Aid Support help
impotent Synonyms barren Crippled Inadequate Ineffectual inept Antonyms Capable Productive strong
labyrinth Synonyms Tangle Web Maze complication Antonyms Calm Clarity order
maelstrom Synonyms Bedlam Confusion Chaos turmoil Antonyms Calm Peace quiet
nihilism Synonyms Lawlessness Anarchy Skepticism Disbelief disorder Antonyms Belief Obedience optimism
shard Synonyms Fragment Piece Portion remnant Antonyms whole