TIMELINE Budget Materials are currently available online Budgets are due Friday, February 1st Budget Requests over $15k must set up a hearing time in February Forms: a/?Page=res_clubs.html &SM=menu_clubs.html
SOME NUMBERS FROM LAST YEAR Average request to allocated amount: 36% Largest Budget: $78,122 Smallest Budget: $20 Median Budget: $3, Average Budget: $ Total Requested Amount: $3.4M Total Allocated to clubs: $1.227M Total Supplemental: $197,000
Contractual Agreement This agreement must be turned in a hard copy form to the SGA Front Desk by 4pm on 2/1/13
WHAT ACCOMPANIES A BUDGET REQUEST? (CLUB SPORTS ONLY) Coach Information Sheet Helps to Determine Coach’s Salary All information will be checked by Leon
FILLING OUT THE BUDGET Do not alter the equations, it will not be to your benefit Include the new members, or potential signers for next year Get feedback from the whole club
THINGS TO THINK ABOUT: PRIORITIZING 5 Items in each category are labeled crucial to club success Essential to the club’s mission, purpose or function Without these the club would cease to function Other Less crucial things: Open to as many things as possible, but keep in mind if something is not allocated for or partially allocated that item cannot be increased through supplemental funding, so stay reasonable and accurate
THINGS TO THINK ABOUT: ITEMS THAT SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED Things the budget will not pay for include: Food, unless part of the mission of the club. i.e. Food salvage Student wages Gas, but you are welcome to apply for gas supplemental Gifts, Prizes, rewards or donations For the difference between expense and allocation clubs are expected to fundraise, yes it’s a drag I’m sorry OwN8LnHnM&imgurl= 3&sig= &page=2&tbnh=133&tbnw=124&start=42&ndsp=44&ved=1t:429,r:43,s:42&tx=44&ty=40
THINGS TO THINK ABOUT: UNANTICIPATED EXPENSES THAT HAPPEN EVERY YEAR Clean up and set up expenses Room usage fees Technology charges (projectors etc.)
THINGS TO THINK ABOUT: TRAVEL Be as specific as possible Use History as a tool for predicting the future Contact leagues to figure out who you are likely to compete against.
THINGS TO THINK ABOUT: COACHES Coaching Salaries are determined by a matrix that takes into account: Activity Level Professional Certifications Games/year Size of club Time served Wages may not be increased through re-allocation, but may be increased using the 131 fund
REQUEST VS. ALLOCATION Although requests are not often fully funded we ask that you request the FULL amount This helps us understand the financial pressures of clubs What can you expect to receive: (policies) Hotels $120/night/room for 4ppl Vans $90/day (12passenger) Up to 75% of registration fees Up to $900 for airfare total, 2 people minimum
CONTRACT AGREEMENT This form does not need to be signed by the SGA Treasurer before being turned in. This form has been updated for FY13 Outing Club Case Study
CLUB INFORMATION Outing Club Case Study
CLUB INFORMATION Outing Club Case Study
CLUB INFORMATION Outing Club Case Study
BUDGET SUMMARY PAGE Outing Club Case Study
WAGES & STIPENDS Should only be employees, if you don’t know if someone should be in this category or another please ask. Note: Outing Club has an exemption to common Wages policies No Speakers/performers Outing Club Case Study
SUPPLIES & PUBLICITY Outing Club Case Study
SECURITY & TELEPHONE Outing Club Case Study
TRANSPORTATION Transportation should have dates, destinations, etc. Outing Club deviates from the guidelines in this respect. Outing Club Case Study
EVENTS & FOOD Food is only for club retreats, speakers, or cultural/religious/diversity events open to the entire student body Outing Club Case Study
OTHER Used for things that do not fit in the other categories Generally speaking will be a small portion of your budget Outing Club Case Study
TIPS FROM THOSE WHO HAVE DONE IT “I would really recommend having future leaders and current leaders sit down to do the budget together so it becomes more familiar and they can model it in a similar way the following years.” -Erika Perry, Gymnastics “Be precise with calculating costs and don't exaggerate the amounts that you need because you think SGA will give you less than you request. Know that SGA will never give you as much as you request. But, if you have substantial reasons, SGA should give you enough.” -Jared Necamp, Freeskiing “Discuss your budget with the perspective leaders for next year to make sure it includes what they want, and be realistic about your clubs goals and abilities to execute events” -Eliza Kelsten, Free2Be