North Carolina’s Wildlife Action Plan Workshops - Partner and Stakeholder Involvement Cindy Carr Wildlife Action Plan Coordinator North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
Federal AgencyCape Lookout and Cape Hatteras National Seashores National Fish Health Laboratory Natural Resources Conservation Service Tennessee Valley Authority US Army Corps of Engineers US Army Environmental Command US Fish & Wildlife Service USFWS, Partners for Fish and Wildlife program US Forest Service US Geological Survey Cooperative Extension Unit USGS, North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit US Marine Corps, Camp Lejeune US National Park Service Uwharrie National Forest State AgencyNC Cooperative Extension Service NC Department of Transportation NC Division of Coastal Management NC Division of Community Assistance NC Division of Forest Resources NC Division of Parks and Recreation NC Division of Soil & Water Conservation NC Division of Water Resources NC Division of Water Quality NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program NC Museum of Natural History NC Museum of Natural Science NC Natural Heritage Program NC Plant Protection Program NC Sea Grant NC State Parks NC Zoo Piedmont Triad Council of Governments Soil and Water Conservation Service State Sea Turtle Protection Program Multi-Agency/Group Partnership Cape Fear Arch Conservation Collaborative (CFA) Carolinas Robust Redhorse Technical Working Group Forest Landbird Legacy Program (a multi-agency cooperative) Greater Uwharrie Conservation Partnership Johnston County Green Infrastructure Partnership NC Birding Trail Initiative (a multi-agency cooperative) NC Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (NCPARC) NC Partners in Flight (NCPIF) Onslow Bight Conservation Forum (a multi-agency cooperative) Project Bog Turtle Robust Redhorse Conservation Committee Sandhills Conservation Partnership SE Bat Diversity Network Southeast Painted Bunting Cooperative Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership Southeastern Partners in Flight Working Group Western NC Alliance/French Broad Riverkeeper Yadkin-Pee Dee Robust Redhorse Technical Working Group Yadkin-Pee Dee Lakes Project National Environmental/Conservation OrganizationsDefenders of Wildlife Ducks Unlimited Environmental Defense Fund National Wildlife Federation The Nature Conservancy Teaming With Wildlife Private/Non-ProfitAudubon NC Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture Atlanta Botanical Garden Carolina Bird Club Carolina Raptor Center Chatham Conservation Partnership Conservation Trust of North Carolina (CTNC) Goose Creek Stakeholders Committee Grandfather Mountain Haywood Greenways Council Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust Land-of-Sky Regional Council LandTrust and Stanly County Friends of the Land Land Trust for Central North Carolina (LTCNC) Little Tennessee Watershed Association NC Coastal Land Trust NC Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network NC Wildlife Federation New Hope Audubon Piedmont Cooperative Land Conservation Project Piedmont Land Conservancy Pigeon River Fund Board Sustainable Sandhills Triangle Greenways Council Triangle Land Conservancy Upper Tar River Collaboration Wake Nature Preserves
Continuing Education Credits: AICP ASLA SAF NC Environmental Educators Overall Cost to Conduct 5 meetings: $ (No meeting room costs) Overall Cost Per Person for Refreshments: $3.60 (coffee, juice, pastry, chips)
Federal AgencyCape Lookout and Cape Hatteras National Seashores National Fish Health Laboratory Natural Resources Conservation Service Tennessee Valley Authority US Army Corps of Engineers US Army Environmental Command US Fish & Wildlife Service USFWS, Partners for Fish and Wildlife program US Forest Service US Geological Survey Cooperative Extension Unit USGS, North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit US Marine Corps, Camp Lejeune US National Park Service Uwharrie National Forest State AgencyNC Cooperative Extension Service NC Department of Transportation NC Division of Coastal Management NC Division of Community Assistance NC Division of Forest Resources NC Division of Parks and Recreation NC Division of Soil & Water Conservation NC Division of Water Resources NC Division of Water Quality NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program NC Museum of Natural History NC Museum of Natural Science NC Natural Heritage Program NC Plant Protection Program NC Sea Grant NC State Parks NC Zoo Piedmont Triad Council of Governments Soil and Water Conservation Service State Sea Turtle Protection Program Multi-Agency/Group Partnership Cape Fear Arch Conservation Collaborative (CFA) Carolinas Robust Redhorse Technical Working Group Forest Landbird Legacy Program (a multi-agency cooperative) Greater Uwharrie Conservation Partnership Johnston County Green Infrastructure Partnership NC Birding Trail Initiative (a multi-agency cooperative) NC Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (NCPARC) NC Partners in Flight (NCPIF) Onslow Bight Conservation Forum (a multi-agency cooperative) Project Bog Turtle Robust Redhorse Conservation Committee Sandhills Conservation Partnership SE Bat Diversity Network Southeast Painted Bunting Cooperative Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership Southeastern Partners in Flight Working Group Western NC Alliance/French Broad Riverkeeper Yadkin-Pee Dee Robust Redhorse Technical Working Group Yadkin-Pee Dee Lakes Project National Environmental/Conservation OrganizationsDefenders of Wildlife Ducks Unlimited Environmental Defense Fund National Wildlife Federation The Nature Conservancy Teaming With Wildlife Private/Non-ProfitAudubon NC Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture Atlanta Botanical Garden Carolina Bird Club Carolina Raptor Center Chatham Conservation Partnership Conservation Trust of North Carolina (CTNC) Goose Creek Stakeholders Committee Grandfather Mountain Haywood Greenways Council Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust Land-of-Sky Regional Council LandTrust and Stanly County Friends of the Land Land Trust for Central North Carolina (LTCNC) Little Tennessee Watershed Association NC Coastal Land Trust NC Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network NC Wildlife Federation New Hope Audubon Piedmont Cooperative Land Conservation Project Piedmont Land Conservancy Pigeon River Fund Board Sustainable Sandhills Triangle Greenways Council Triangle Land Conservancy Upper Tar River Collaboration Wake Nature Preserves
Do you have any questions that were not answered by the information presented today? Any comments about the workshop? Need more on-the-ground examples of adaptation measures Need participation by planners, non-governmental groups, Div. of Coastal Mgmt., county, soil & water districts, real estate developers There should be Wildlife Friendly Development Certification interaction with consultants who specialize in wildlife friendly development Has your organization incorporated WAP into its operations/ mission? (Y/N) ‘No’ = 6 from total of 62 questionnaires ‘Don’t know’ = 4 from total of 62 questionnaires Do you have any recommendations/ comments about the priorities (goals, species, or habitats) described in the current WAP? Provide GIS data layers Web-based, interactive, searchable document Prioritize habitats and watersheds for conservation action, include stream headwaters Include game species Incorporate corridors and connectivity planning for all species and habitats Identify and address new threats Integrate other conservation plans Climate change adaptation recommendations
How can the WAP be revised to assist your organization with carrying out its mission? Provide GIS datasets Identify priority conservation for priority habitats and species; use suites, groups, guilds Provide searchable information broken out at County or local level Produce, maintain joint map with NHP for biodiversity wildlife habitat areas and priority species Include all species, incorporate role of game species in habitat and species guilds What type of info does the WAP need to include to assist your organization with implementation of actions? Provide GIS data layers Searchable, online document and mapping Prioritized conservation actions and research needs Climate change information Predictions or modeling for species, habitat movement patterns in response to climate change
Cindy Carr Wildlife Action Plan Coordinator NC Wildlife Resources Commission 1751 Varsity Drive Raleigh, NC (919)