Admonish To caution or advise against something; scold mildly; to remind of a duty. The doctor admonished the man for smoking.


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Presentation transcript:

Admonish To caution or advise against something; scold mildly; to remind of a duty. The doctor admonished the man for smoking.

Breach An opening, gap, rupture, rift; a violation or infraction; (v) to create an opening, break through “Oh man, I have three breaches in my barrel!” John and Kate have breached their marriage vows. An opening, gap, rupture, rift; a violation or infraction; (v) to create an opening, break through “Oh man, I have three breaches in my barrel!” John and Kate have breached their marriage vows.

Brigand A bandit, robber, outlaw, highwayman I’m such a great brigand that I’ll never get caught!

Circumspect Careful, cautious Syns: prudent, guarded Ants: rash, reckless Would “circumspect” have a favorable or unfavorable connotation? Are you? Careful, cautious Syns: prudent, guarded Ants: rash, reckless Would “circumspect” have a favorable or unfavorable connotation? Are you?

Commandeer To seize for military or official use. Syn: take over, requisition, expropriate Break this word apart. What will be your hint on the quiz? Can you use this in a sentence? To seize for military or official use. Syn: take over, requisition, expropriate Break this word apart. What will be your hint on the quiz? Can you use this in a sentence?

Cumbersome Clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving Syn: unwieldy, ponderous Ant: manageable, easy to handle Clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving Syn: unwieldy, ponderous Ant: manageable, easy to handle

Deadlock A standstill resulting from the opposition of two equal forces. (v) to bring to such a standstill Do you know what it is called when you tie in chess? A standstill resulting from the opposition of two equal forces. (v) to bring to such a standstill Do you know what it is called when you tie in chess?

Debris Scattered fragments, wreckage Syns: rubble, detritus, flotsam and jetsam When you open your locker, is there debris all over?

Diffuse To spread or scatter freely or widely. (adj.) wordy, longwinded, scattered or wildly spread. Weeds often diffuse in my garden. To spread or scatter freely or widely. (adj.) wordy, longwinded, scattered or wildly spread. Weeds often diffuse in my garden.

Dilemma A difficult or perplexing situation or problem. Syn: predicament, quandary, pickle Ant: cinch “Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?”

Efface V- to wipe out; to keep oneself from being noticed Syn: blot out, erase, obliterate, expunge Not studying for the final exam effaced my hopes of being on the honor roll. V- to wipe out; to keep oneself from being noticed Syn: blot out, erase, obliterate, expunge Not studying for the final exam effaced my hopes of being on the honor roll.

Muddle V- to make a mess of; muddle through: get by. N- a hopeless mess Syn: (v) jumble mess up. (n) confusion, disorder Ant (n) orderliness, tidiness, neatness V- to make a mess of; muddle through: get by. N- a hopeless mess Syn: (v) jumble mess up. (n) confusion, disorder Ant (n) orderliness, tidiness, neatness It’s so much fun to muddle my way through dinner!

Opinionated Adj. Stubborn and often unreasonable in holding to one’s own ideas, having a closed mind. Syn- obstinate, pigheaded, inflexible Ant- open-minded, reasonable Adj. Stubborn and often unreasonable in holding to one’s own ideas, having a closed mind. Syn- obstinate, pigheaded, inflexible Ant- open-minded, reasonable Is this what it means to be pigheaded?

Perennial Adj.-Lasting for a long time, persistent n,.- a plant that lives for many years Syn: enduring, recurring Ant.: brief, shirt-lived, fleeting, ephemeral Adj.-Lasting for a long time, persistent n,.- a plant that lives for many years Syn: enduring, recurring Ant.: brief, shirt-lived, fleeting, ephemeral

Predispose V. To incline to beforehand Syn: make susceptible to Ant: immunize against Break the word into parts. How does this help? Are you predisposed to getting sick easily?

Relinquish V. to let go, give up Syn: surrender, abandon Ant: hold on to, keep, restrain A white flag symbolizes surrendering and relinquishing. Lincoln-Way will never relinquish its reign as the greatest school in Illinois!

Salvage V. To save from fire or shipwreck N. property thus saved SYN: rescue, recover, retrieve, reclaim Ant: abandon, scrap, junk Does this remind you of another word from this unit? The salvage from the boat consisted of ancient jewels and coins

Spasmodic ADJ. sudden and violent but brief Syn: irregular, occasional Ant: steady, continuous, chronic The spasmodic storm caused their basement to flood.

Spurious Adj. Not genuine, not true Syn.: false, counterfeit, fraudulent, bogus Ant.: genuine, authentic, bona fide, valid Does the word “spurious” have a favorable or unfavorable connotation? Adj. Not genuine, not true Syn.: false, counterfeit, fraudulent, bogus Ant.: genuine, authentic, bona fide, valid Does the word “spurious” have a favorable or unfavorable connotation? Here is an example of a spurious $50.00

Unbridled Adj.: uncontrolled, lacking in restraint Syn.: unrestrained, unchecked Ant.: restrained, held in check, muted What do you do when you feel unbridled anger?