Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended (URA) 49 CFR Part 24
March 2005 A - 2 For Additional Information Contact an FHWA Division Realty Officer at -or- Mamie Smith-Fisher, HQ Contact for the new rule at URA resources
March 2005 A - 3 Current Update th Anniversary Symposium. Federal Interagency Task Force – 5 listening sessions NPRM on December 17: 775 Comments received to the docket. 2004 – 3 public meetings Final rule on January 4.
March 2005 A - 4 Effective Date Final rule published -- January 4, Rule effective -- February 3, State laws, regulations, guidance updated.
March 2005 A - 5 Intent of Rule Revisions Advance national program uniformity. Meet contemporary needs. Improve service to individuals and businesses. Reduce administrative burden. Make rule easier to understand.
March 2005 A - 6 Subpart A Changes General Updated references. Main changes were in § 24.2 – Definitions: New title. New numeric format. Acronyms added.
March 2005 A - 7 Subpart A Changes § 24.2(a) Definitions (11) Dwelling site. (14) Household income. (17) Mobile home. (33) Waiver Valuation.
March 2005 A - 8 Subpart A Changes § 24.2(a) Definitions (6) Comparable replacement dwelling. (8) Decent, safe, and sanitary. (15) Initiation of negotiation (ION). (23) Salvage value. (29) Unlawful occupant. (30) Utility costs.
March 2005 A - 9 Eligibility Conditions § 24.2(a)(9)(ii) Persons not displaced: (D) Temporary relocation: In Appendix A, defined as less than 12 months. If more than 12 months, eligible displacees. (K) Unlawful occupant: Advisory assistance can be provided. (M) American Dream Down Payment Initiative (ADDI).
March 2005 A - 10 Eligibility Conditions (Cont.) § Eviction for cause: Language added in Appendix A. Protects displaced persons legally evicted for project advancement. Displaced persons still eligible for benefits.