United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Updates on USDA Food Assistance Agreement Implementation Presented by: Shari Kosco, Food Assistance Division Echo Domingues, Food Assistance Division Barb Shumar, Monitoring and Evaluation Staff Dorothy Feustel, Food Assistance Division 1
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service I. FAS Market Intelligence Resources USDA Data USDA Resources and Tools FAS Website for Data II. Regulations and Agreement Reminders Sub-recipient Agreements Record Retention Use of USDA funds Commodity Losses Disposition Letters III. Program Closeout Interest Bearing Accounts A-133 Line Item Movements Tax Certification Positive Findings IV. FAIS Results Section Changes Budget Entry Changes Submitting Reports Other New Items Updates for FY2013 2
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service I. FAS MARKET INTELLIGENCE RESOURCES 3
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Why Use USDA Data? The data is considered to be the most reliable, credible, objective, and unbiased Publications and data are available online and updated regularly These reports and data are FREE! 4
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service USDA Resources and Tools GAIN/Attaché Reports (Global Agricultural Information Network) Production, Supply, and Distribution Database (PSD) FAS Commodity Circulars Global Agricultural Trade System (GATS) U.S. Trade Data from U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division 5
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Navigating Our Website 6
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN/Attaché Reports 7
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Data Webpage 8
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service PSD Online 9
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service PSD Custom Query 10
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service PSD Custom Query Results 11
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Commodity Webpages 12
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Oilseeds Commodity Webpage 13
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Putting The World Picture Together 14
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Putting The World Picture Together 15
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Additional Contact Information Thank You! Additional Contact Information 16
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service II. REGULATION REMINDERS 17
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Sub-recipient Agreements Subrecipients are expected to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Example #1: Your organization provides a sub- award to a NGO in the recipient country. The subrecipient must comply with: –7 CFR 3019: Uniform Administrative Requirements –2 CFR 230: Cost Principles for Non-profit Organizations –7 CFR 3052: Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-profits –Other applicable regulations and statutes 18
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Example #2: Your organization provides a sub- award to a university in the recipient country. The subrecipient must comply with: –7 CFR 3019: Uniform Administrative Requirements –2 CFR 220: Cost Principles for Educational Institutions –7 CFR 3052: Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-profits –Other applicable regulations and statutes Sub-recipient Agreements (Cont’d) 19
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Sub-recipient Agreements (Cont’d Federal financial assistance recipients and subrecipients are required to have a Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data and Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) Register at: and There are very few exemptions to this requirement, listed in 2 CFR (d) (2): 1.The agency determines that it must protect an entity’s information from disclosure (to protect national security or personal safety) 2.If the subaward is to a foreign entity for <$25k and the agency deems it too impractical 20
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Sub-recipient Agreements (Cont’d) REMINDER: All food aid agreements require program participants to – 1.Consult with FAD before selecting a subrecipient 2.Submit a copy of the subrecipient agreement to FAD 21
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Retention of Records Program Participants must maintain all required documents 1499/ (a) Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to an award shall be retained for a period of three years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report or, for awards that are renewed quarterly or annually, from the date of the submission of the quarterly or annual financial report, as authorized by the Federal awarding agency. 22
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Use of USDA Funds Only use USDA funds for activities outlined in your agreement. All costs must be allowable. See cost principles in 2 CFR 230 (formerly the A-122 OMB Circular). Contact FAD for approval before starting a new activity. If the activity is allowable, the agreement will be amended. Please refer to 7 CFR for further information regarding remedies for noncompliance. 23
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Use of USDA Funds (Cont’d) Common violations under MGD include: –Providing cash instead of intended incentives (such as school supplies, hygiene kits, take-home rations, etc) –Purchasing local food / condiments –Distributing take-home rations to all students, if girls are the only intended beneficiaries Common violations under FFPr include: –Implementing activity components that are not included in the activity descriptions in the Plan of Operation (Attachment A) –Failing to implement significant activity components as stated in the Plan of Operation 24
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Commodity Losses The Participant is responsible for: Taking all necessary measures to prevent spoilage and theft of commodities Ensuring proper storage/warehouse facilities Reporting any losses valued over $1,000 immediately, including: –Circumstances of loss/damage –Quantity/value of loss/damage 25
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Participants are required to pursue claims for lost/damaged commodities for which they have title As per 7 CFR / , Participants must: –Initiate a claim against the ocean carrier or insurance company for damages/losses $20K or greater –Pursue and settle the claim Participants may retain funds obtained from claims Funds may only be expended for purposes approved in advance by FAS Commodity Losses (Cont’d) 26
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service The Participant is obliged to accept the cargo and take steps to recondition or salvage as much of the cargo as they can. Participants should request the carrier to pay for the cost to recondition the cargo up front. The cost to recondition the cargo should be included in the Participant’s marine claim against the carrier. Accepting Damaged Commodities 27
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Budget Constraints FAS endeavors to provide the total quantity of commodities approved in an agreement. In some cases, this isn’t possible because of increased commodity or freight costs. See Part I, Section E of your agreement for total funds obligated. 28
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Disposition of Equipment 29 Program Participants must seek approval of plan to dispose of equipment valued at $5,000 or more Contact FAD program analyst by to request approval of disposition plan Disposition of equipment must follow plan, or if no instructions are provided within 120 days, the Participant may follow 7 CFR Documentation of equipment disposition needs to be in writing for closeout
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service III. PROGRAM CLOSEOUT AND A-133 AUDITS 30
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service OMB Circular A-133 Audits Participants are required to perform an audit to assure compliance to the program agreements and regulations All non-federal organizations that expend $500,000 or more of Federal awards in a year Organizations expending less than $500,000 in a year are exempt from the Federal audit requirements, but must make records available for review or audit If a Participant provides more than $25,000 to a subrecipient, the subrecipient must also have an audit 31
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Responsibilities of Participant Under OMB Circular A Ensure completion of an audit Submit the audit reporting package and Data Collection Form (form SF-SAC) to the Federal Clearinghouse within 9 months from the end of your fiscal year In addition to submitting a copy of your OMB Circular A-133 Audits to the Federal Clearing House audits, both OMB Circular A-133 and agreement audits must also be attached to the agreement within FAIS
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Audit Findings 33 Audits are reviewed for findings If a participant has findings, FAS will contact the participant regarding a corrective action plan If the next year’s audit continues to have findings or shows no improvement, FAS may request a meeting with you and your accounting staff
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Closeout of Food Aid Agreements 34 When a participant’s program has ended and a final report is provided, a Food Assistance Division (FAD) analyst will begin the closeout process The closeout checklist lists all items required for food aid agreement closeout is on the FAS website: FormsTemplates/CloseoutChecklist.pdf
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Closeout Checklist 35 All activities under the agreement have been completed or an explanation has been provided explaining why activities were not completed A final, cumulative logistics and monetization report (logmon) has been submitted (all non-cumulative logmons were submitted) All commodities have been received and distributed or an explanation has been provided as to why commodities have not been received or distributed If applicable, the final logmon indicates that all monetization proceeds and interest were spent. If not, all unspent proceeds will need to be returned to USDA The final, cumulative financial report has been submitted (or all non- cumulative financial reports have been submitted) All CCC cash funds that were advanced have been spent or returned to USDA All capital equipment with a value of US$5,000 or more has been disposed of according to plan approved by FAS A tax certification letter or stating that the organization has paid all relevant taxes in the recipient country, on all employees, for all years that the program was active has been submitted A-133 audits for all years the program was active have been submitted All known issues have been resolved
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Closeout of Food Aid Agreements 36 Monitoring and Evaluation Staff (MES) prepares a written assessment of the agreement Information to complete this evaluation is gathered from the logistics and monetization reports, financial reports, the signed agreement, and any amendments Please ensure that you have addressed all of the outputs and outcomes listed in the Criteria for Measuring Progress located in the agreement
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Closeout of Food Aid Agreements 37 Once the written assessment is completed, MES will draft a closeout letter or an issue letter The closeout letter informs the participant that it has completed all of the requirements under the agreement and that USDA considers the agreement closed An issue letter is sent if it is determined that the participant did not comply with a requirement of the agreement
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Closeout of Food Aid Agreements 38 Common Reasons for Sending an Issue Letter Participant moved too much money between its flexible line items Participant spent more than the budgeted amount for administrative expenses Participant spent more than the budgeted amount for ITSH expenses Participant has a large commodity loss
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Closeout of Food Aid Agreements 39 Claim Process If appropriate, FAS may initiate a claim or take enforcement actions according to 7 CFR
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service IV. FOOD AID INFORMATION SYSTEM (FAIS) 40
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Changes in FAIS Proposal Entry Results 41 Results Section Results are hierarchical Results are numbered to correspond to the frameworks More than one outcome is possible for each result More than one category of beneficiary is possible for each activity
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Click to expand result tree Click to add result to proposal Foundational results are included under every higher level result Results (cont’d) 42
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Performance indicator To create multiple outcomes for one result, click “save and create new” Results (cont’d) 43 Performance indicator Target Other Details
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Add more than one beneficiary category for both direct and indirect. Results (cont’d) 44
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Budget Section Creation of budget in Excel is possible Pasting of large amounts of budget lines at one time is possible Budget line items do not need to be broken down by fiscal year Deleting the entire budget is possible Deleting all budget items related to one activity is possible Changes in FAIS Proposal Entry Budget 45
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Add budget line item one at a time Add budget line items 100 lines or more at a time from Excel Delete the entire budget Delete budget items for one activity at a time Budget (cont’d) 46
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Download activity codes for Excel. Budget (cont’d) 47
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Activity Codes Reminder of expense types allowed in the USDA budget Reminder of locations allowed in the USDA budget Budget (cont’d) 48
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service You can make your budget in Excel using the activity codes and these column headers. A template is provided on the FAS website for your convenience. Budget (cont’d) 49
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Budget (cont’d) 50
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service 51 Budget (cont’d)
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Submitting Reports in FAIS All reports for all agreements must be submitted in FAIS USDA will not accept any reports, including financial reports, electronically through PEB reports ( ) Submitting Reports 52
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Click on “agreement level reports” from the drop down menu under Compliance. Search for the agreement to you wish to report. Submitting Reports Pre-FY
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Click on “reports” to add documents to the agreement file. Submitting Reports Pre-FY2012 (cont’d) 54
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service To add a new log/mon or project status report, click create new. To submit new log/mons or project status reports, click “create new” Submitting Reports Pre-FY2012 (cont’d) 55
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service 56 Submitting Reports Pre-FY2012 (cont’d)
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Submitting Reports Pre-FY2012 (cont’d) 57
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Submitting Reports Pre-FY2012 (cont’d) 58
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Submitting Reports Pre-FY2012 (cont’d) 59
United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Other Changes To submit proposal to USDA, click 60