The E-portfolio Made Easy A Guide for Educational Supervisors and Trainees Dr Sarah Duncan ST6 GUM Oxford Deanery Dr Melinda Tenant-Flowers GUM / HIV Consultant King’s College Hospital London Deanery SAC Representative. STC London Co-chair
Introduction A number of GUM trainees have recently received unsatisfactory ARCP outcomes as a result of having presented insufficient evidence (ARCP outcome 5) This guide has been developed to assist educational supervisors in guiding trainees through the e-portfolio and ARCP process
Key Concepts Rating Curriculum items The supervisor AND the trainee must rate their competence at each individual curriculum item Linking assessments and reflections The trainee should link each assessment and entry in the reflective log to as many curriculum items as relevant
Contents TopicSlides Responsibilities5 & 6 Curricula7 The Initial Meeting8 Work Based Assessments (WBAs)9 & 10 ARCP preparation How to rate curriculum items14 Evidence for clinical competencies15 How to link assessments and reflections16-18 What do Assessors Check?19
Responsibilities: the trainee The trainee must take primary responsibility for their training They should: Organise regular meetings with their supervisor Ensure the correct assessments are completed inline with curriculum requirements Complete ARCP paperwork on time
Responsibilities: the Educational Supervisor The educational supervisor can assist trainees by checking that The Personal Development Plan (PDP) addresses topics highlighted for attention in the previous year’s ARCP Trainees have recorded evidence to support achievement of curriculum competencies Trainees and supervisors have rated competence at each curriculum item
Curricula Three curricula are currently in use (which can be found on the JRCPTB website) SpR/Pages/GUM.aspx Each curriculum varies in its requirements for assessment eg Dip GUM, Dip HIV and DFSRH compulsory on 2010 curriculum CurriculaPeriod of Use 2003If training commenced before 31 st July If training commenced between 1 st August 2007 and 31 st July All trainees who began training after 1 st August 2010 Trainees on older curricula may have transferred to the new curriculum
The initial Meeting The initial meeting can help trainees to get the most out of each attachment Supervisors can: Review the curriculum competencies as documented on the E-portfolio to assess what remains to be achieved. Check the ARCP grid for each trainee’s stage of training to ensure the PDP will cover compulsory requirements Plan how and when assessments might occur Eg does the trainee need to attend a specialist clinic?
Work Based Assessments: requirements TypeDescription2007 Curriculum2010 Curriculum Mini-CEXObserved Consultation 4 per year6 per year CbDCase Discussion4 per year6 per year MSFMulti-Source Feedback 2 in 4 years MCRMultiple Consultant Report n/a (implemented 2013)Minimum of 2 per year DOPSDirectly Observed Procedures 2 per year Audit Assessment 1 in 4 years Teaching Observation 1 in 4 years
Getting the Most out of WBAs Trainees must check which types of assessment are required each year and how many forms should be submitted An MSF requires 12 entries to be considered complete All trainees should complete a self-assessment Trainees should ideally complete assessments on different topics each year, to accumulate evidence of a broad range of experience and clinical competence
ARCP preparation Trainees should use the E-portfolio to showcase their experience Evidence of clinical competence can include: WBAs Reflections on clinical events and teaching Examinations If a trainee only completes the minimum number of WBAs without any other eportfolio entries, it is unlikely they will be able to show evidence of having achieved all mandatory competencies by the end of their training
ARCP Preparation: Trainee Complete the correct number of each type of assessment required by the relevant curriculum Reflect on learning events Interesting cases, teaching, conferences and examinations Self-assess competency for each curriculum item Providing evidence for achievement where possible PDP for next year and revise CV
ARCP Preparation: Supervisor Check trainee is on course to complete correct number of essential assessments Complete MSF summary Complete supervisor’s report Rate the trainees competence at each curriculum item Supervisors should ideally review previous ARCP recommendations form and ensure that completion of suggested tasks is obvious
How to Rate Curriculum Items Select the appropriate curriculum Scroll down and select “expand all” competencies
How to rate curriculum items Rate the trainees competence and add a comment if required. This text will appear on the curriculum page. The trainee must also rate their own competence Working from the top of the list, select each curriculum item in turn The ARCP process requires an increasing proportion of curriculum items to be categorised as “achieved” for each year of training. (see ARCP grid)
Evidence for clinical achievement Clinical competence (number of curriculum items said to be “achieved”) can be evidenced by the process of “LINKING”, where an e-link is placed by a trainee between an assessment (or other entry in the reflective log) and a curriculum item One assessment / learning log entry can be used as evidence for the achievement of multiple competencies, which should allow trainees to cover the whole curriculum
Linking WBAs and reflective log entries can be linked to curriculum items in 2 ways: This is best done through the trainee’s E-portfolio login 1.Linking after completing an assessment/reflective log entry 2.Going through the curriculum and linking assessments/reflections to a curriculum item
Linking after completing an assessment reflective log entry 1.Complete WBA or reflection 2.The “LINKS” option will appear on the next screen where you can select “curriculum item” 3.Choose the appropriate curriculum (eg 2010) and select the competencies to which you wish to add the link
Linking after completing an assessment reflective log entry Further links can be added by repeating steps 2-3 Link the WBA/reflection to as many curriculum items as possible Eg mini-CEX may cover history taking, examination, a specific GUM presentation, HIV testing, and ethics. Links can be added to historical reflections from the reflective practice summary
Going through the curriculum and linking assessments/reflections to a curriculum item 1.Select the appropriate curriculum 2.Click on the “LINK” button (which is to the right of each curriculum item) 3.Choose the type of item with which you want to insert the link 4.Select the appropriate WBA/reflection (this must have been completed previously), and click “ADD LINK”
The ARCP – what do ARCP Assessors check? Progression – last ARCP outcome and Educational supervisor’s report, summary overview Profile – post, year training, current educational supervisor, certificates including examinations Curriculum – year, GUM, HIV, Leadership, Public health, evidence of competencies achieved, sign off by Ed sup. Assessment – correct number/type/timing for curriculum, spread over year, different assessors, MSF summary inc number of respondents and mixed MDT sample, WBA comments Reflection – learning points Appraisal – last meeting induction, mid point or educational meeting, PDP matches last ARCP comments and Ed sup report and curriculum achievements
Summary Trainees must take responsibility for completing the correct number and type of WBAs Both trainees and educational supervisors should rate all curriculum items Trainees should LINK all types of WBAs, reflections and examinations to individual curriculum competencies to provide evidence of clinical achievements. Completing the minimum number of WBAs alone is unlikely to be enough to satisfy ARCP assessors that the curriculum has been adequately covered.
Resources London Deanery/Synapse ARCP modules: e-module JRCPTB NHS ePortfolio user Guidance for Supervisors 2011: info/UserGuideforSupervisorsUpdatedApril2011.pdf (online via northern deanery website) If you have any comments or suggestions as to how this guide could be improved, please contact Sarah Duncan: