Safety Training for Managers & Supervisors Accountability and Safety Culture – Fundamentals Part 1 Disclaimer: These safety materials, resources and PowerPoint® presentations are not intended to replace your company's health and safety policies or to substitute for specific state and federal standards. We do not guarantee the absolute accuracy of the material contained within these resources. Please refer to applicable state and federal standards for regulatory compliance.
The Business Case for Safety Humanitarian need Regulatory compliance Liability and cost control Operational risk reduction Improved productivity “Valued neighbor”
Leadership – The Starting Point Establish company values Set and enforce company policies Consistently demonstrate commitment Be the “role model” for desired behavior Communicate expectations Create desired work culture Stay on top of things, and follow up
The Four A’s Attitude Awareness Action Accountability
Safety Awareness Level Relaxation Relaxation Incident Incident Awareness level that steadily rises
Safety Awareness Level What is your attitude toward safety? Do your actions reflect a steady awareness?
Management Responsibilities Assume primary responsibility for the safety program Establish policies, goals, objectives and measurements Push authority and accountability down to supervisor level
Manager Tips Do you really hold your supervisors accountable? Supervisors will only perform to the level they are measured: Tie accountability to incentives and performance evaluations “Provide training on cost basis so they better understand the direct and indirect costs” – Doyle Weldon, roundtable member
Manager Tips Peer pressure can leverage accountability “Measure supervisors amongst their peers in a group setting” – David Etchelecu, roundtable member
Supervisor Responsibilities Know all safe work practices/rules pertaining to his / her job Accept responsibility to ensure the application of safe work practices Explain all applicable safe work practices Ensure employees are trained and competent
Supervisor Responsibilities Consistently enforce safety regulations Perform daily inspections of his/her respective work Report / correct unsafe conditions Assist in incident investigations
Supervisor Responsibilities Support management and employees in their efforts to establish a proactive safety culture Be familiar with laws, directives and policies mandated by the company and customers, OSHA and other regulatory agencies Be visible to your employees
Supervisor Tips Review policies and procedures, and make sure you understand Freely ask questions of management for clarity “Do it once instead of twice – it can cost 125% more”- Bill Flynt, roundtable member Lose production Lose efficiency Lose customer rapport
Communicate Responsibilities to Your Employees Do you understand that safety is a condition of employment? Work safely to the best of his / her ability Report unsafe conditions immediately Obey safe work rules, and follow safety instructions Do you understand your safety responsibilities?
Communicate Responsibilities to Your Employees Regardless of the type of work you are doing, do you know that you can never deviate from an established safe work procedure? Do you know you have the right to discuss any work assignment with your supervisor that you think is unsafe or you are unsure of? Assist in correcting the problem Do I have your complete commitment to work safely at all times?
Who Should Be Held Accountable? Managers and supervisors Employees Pay attention to employees who deviate from known safe work procedures either before, during or after completion of their assigned tasks
Accountability: Intervention Whenever an employee is behaving in an unsafe or unhealthy way, supervisors have a moral and legal obligation to intervene immediately The employee may get hurt If the employee knows the supervisor has seen the unsafe behavior and has not intervened, the employee (and everyone else watching) will think the supervisor does not regard working safely as essential
Accountability: Intervention Intervention should accomplish several goals: Stop an unsafe act before it leads to an incident or illness Replace an unsafe behavior with a safe one Help employees learn to make better choices about working safely
Supervisor Tips Key steps in performing an effective intervention: Point out the unsafe behavior Get the employee to acknowledge the unsafe behavior Get the employee to suggest proper safe behavior
Supervisor Tips Key steps in performing an effective intervention: Have the employee explain the risks of working unsafely Get the employee to agree that the gains were not worth the consequences Establish a formal action plan for improvements
Accountability: Positive Reinforcement Reinforcing safe work habits is just as important as eliminating unsafe behavior Most people tend to repeat behaviors that result in positive consequences and discontinue those that result in negative consequences Positive reinforcement is the only means available to maintain existing good behavior
Accountability: Positive Reinforcement There are several ways in which supervisors can reward safe behavior Verbal acknowledgment Public praise Material rewards
Accountability: Disciplinary Actions Keys to Success Be consistent and unbiased Evaluate the frequency and severity of the act Approach employee with his or her best interests in mind Remind employee about external effects of incidents
Supervisor Tips How do you communicate with your employees? You will get less mileage if you yell and shout at your employees when you spot unsafe behaviors “Don’t automatically draw conclusions”- Rick Webb, roundtable member
Creating a Culture How do we define a culture? A common set of attitudes, values and beliefs shared by an organization The way things are around here
More Than a Regulation By developing a strong safety culture, we ultimately create an environment where each employee becomes responsible for their safety and the safety of their fellow employees
Safety Culture Benefits Unsafe behavior stands out Unsafe behavior is unacceptable Safe work is influenced through peer pressure Consistent planning and task execution Cost avoidance
Common Beliefs Safe work cultures start with simple, common beliefs that are supported by all employees in an organization Every incident could have been avoided No job is worth getting hurt over Every job will be done safely Most importantly, we believe that safety is everyone’s responsibility “I am my brother’s keeper” – Joann Natarajan, roundtable member
Safety Program Fundamentals A safety culture is built through the establishment of a fundamentally sound safety program Management commitment Policy statement Program goals Employee recognition Employee training Hazard analysis / correction Behavior-based safety
Supervisor Role in a Safety Culture Task planning Employee education Enforcement Leadership by example Clear communication
Safety Culture: What it Isn’t Created in the absence of visible leadership Exclusive Created by mandate A regulatory requirement Created in a short time Created with little effort Maintenance-free
Transforming a Safety Culture Who does it start with? Everyone, including You
Signs of a Safety Culture Management leading by example Reduced injury rates Changes in employees’ attitudes regarding safety
Signs of a Safety Culture Heightened participation by employees in safety meetings More conversations regarding safety Employees adhering to safe work practices in the absence of the supervisor
How Can We Get There? Long-term achievement is a product of day-to-day effort
Safety Culture Asking me to overlook a simple safety violation would be asking me to compromise my attitude toward the value of your life
Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Management responsibilities do not include assuming primary responsibility for the safety program. A: False
Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Supervisor responsibilities include ensuring the application of safe work practices. A: True
Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Safety is a condition of employment. A: True
Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Regardless of the type of work you are doing, you can deviate from an established safe work procedure if you want to. A: False
Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Managers, supervisors and employees should all be held accountable. A: True
Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Reinforcing safe work habits is just as important as eliminating unsafe behavior. A: True
Quiz All Questions True or False Q: A safety culture is a regulatory requirement. A: False
Quiz All Questions True or False Q: Everyone adhering to safe work practices in the absence of the supervisor is a sign of a safety culture. A: True
Safety Safety has no final destination……… ….. It is a constant journey
Resources Stop Work Card Behavior-Based Safety Safety Pays: Stop Work Card Behavior-Based Safety
Lower Incidents No one gets hurt at work through LOWER* incidents *(Limiting Oilfield Workers' Exposures and Risks) Go to next presentation