Fall 2012 ORIENTATION University Supervisors Internship / Student Teaching
Contract Information Visit Human Resources –Compliance paperwork –Direct deposit –Tax forms Contact Bruce Barker for an appointment . wcu. edu or . wcu. edu Signed Contracts ( ed from Mary Rompf ) Questions or Concerns ? –Contact Regina . wcu. edu or wcu. edu
Travel Reimbursement Travel forms must be submitted according to the following guide lines : a.At the beginning of each semester, submit an estimate of the total anticipated supervision - related travel using the Travel Preapproval Form found online at the following address : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp b.Thereafter, mileage reimbursement must be submitted monthly using the Travel Template found online at the following address : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp c.Faxed and ed copies will not be accepted ! Contact Linda Raxter ( . wcu. edu or ) . wcu. edu
Acronyms CT – Cooperating Teacher US – University Supervisor AS – Academic Supervisor ( Secondary English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and K -12 Spanish, Art, and Music ) I / ST - Intern / Student Teacher OFE – Office of Field Experiences STL – School of Teaching and Learning CEAP – College of Education and Allied Professions EE – Electronic Evidences required for licensure CTC - Certification of Teaching Capacity ( old " Exit Criteria ")
University Supervisor Liaison between the classroom teacher, the academic supervisor ( if applicable ), and CEAP US ensures a comprehensive and rewarding classroom experience for interns / student teachers, public school teachers, and P -12 students
Internship I Contact interns at earliest convenience to : –Send an introductory to the intern / student teacher, cooperating teacher, and academic supervisor. Find out when Intern is reporting to school ( many report to host schools when their CTs begin the school year ) –Visit the school to introduce yourself –Address intern / cooperating teacher concerns and familiarize them with the expectations and roles –Check to see that signed health certificates have been turned in to school / district ( due before students report ) –Schedule initial visit ( first observation ) –Set tentative dates for videotaped lesson and mid - term conference
Internship I Assist students in meeting expectations / deadlines outlined in program - specific checklists Checklists / resources / forms : –Elementary & Middle Grade : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp –Secondary & Specialty Areas : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp –Health and Physical Education : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp –Special Education Program : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp
Internship I Number of Site VisitsPurpose of Visit Maximum of 3 visits, unless problems are evident and properly documented 1. Initial visit / formal observation 2. Midterm evaluation / schedule videotaped observation 3. Formal observation and final evaluation Videotaping instructions : http :// www. wcu. edu /9874. asp http :// www. wcu. edu /9874. asp Video taping equipment is available : Lee Nickles ( . wcu. edu ) . wcu. edu Hunter Library Host school
Internship I Assist candidates in planning, reviewing, and teaching lessons Provide feedback to observed lessons Respond to journal entries Provide feedback to videotaped lesson Establish / retain documentation of interventions
Reflective Journal - Internship I Respond to at least 4 entries Purpose is to have interns reflect about their experiences Some programs have set journal formats – English If a program does not have a set format, feel free to provide the interns with an example. - http :// www. wcu. edu / asp http :// www. wcu. edu / asp
Internship I Establish and retain documentation of all interventions ( consult with academic supervisor ) Notify / provide documentation of interventions ( i. e. action plan, conferences ) to Director of Field Experiences and appropriate program coordinator / department head regarding concerns / issues related to intern performance Suggested action plan template : http :// www. wcu. edu / WebFiles / PDFs / OFE _ IST _ ActionPlan. doc http :// www. wcu. edu / WebFiles / PDFs / OFE _ IST _ ActionPlan. doc
Internship I Schedule midterm ( fall break - October ) Schedule final evaluation conferences with the CT / academic supervisor ( last day of classes – December 7) Midterm / final evaluation forms : –Elementary & Middle Grade : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp –Secondary & Specialty Areas : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp –Health and Physical Education : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp –Special Education Program : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp
Internship I Submit final paperwork ( i. e. observations, checklists, grade sheets, midterm / final evaluation ) to the Office of Field Experience at the end of the semester ( December 14 - last day of exams )
Internship I – Substitute Teaching Internship I students may not substitute teach on the days they are assigned to a school They may substitute teach on days they are not in class at WCU or required to be at the host school for internship Students should check with the school to inquire about requirements and pay for substitute teaching
Internship I Questions ?
Internship II/Student Teaching Contact interns – no later than the first two weeks of public school start date to : –Send an introductory to the intern / student teacher, cooperating teacher, and academic supervisor. –Visit the school to introduce yourself –Address intern / cooperating teacher concerns and familiarize them with the expectations and roles –Student teachers - check to see student submitted signed health certificate to school / district ( due before students report ) –Schedule first observation –Set tentative dates for videotaped lesson and mid - term conference
Internship II/Student Teaching Assist students in meeting expectations / deadlines outlined in the program - specific checklists. Checklists / resources / forms : –Elementary & Middle Grade : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp –Secondary & Specialty Areas : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp –Health and Physical Education : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp –Special Education Program : http :// wcu. edu / asp http :// wcu. edu / asp
Internship II/Student Teaching Number of VisitsPurpose of Visit Maximum of 5 visits unless problems are evident with proper documentation * Consult with academic supervisor 1. Initial visit / formal observation 2. Formal observation / schedule 1 st videotaped lesson 3. Midterm evaluation 4. Formal observation / schedule 2 nd videotaped lesson 5. Final evaluation Videotaping instructions : http :// www. wcu. edu /9874. asp http :// www. wcu. edu /9874. asp Video taping equipment is available Lee Nickles ( . wcu. edu ) . wcu. edu Hunter Library Host school
Internship II/Student Teaching Assist candidates in planning, reviewing, & teaching lessons Provide feedback to observed lessons Respond to journal entries Provide feedback to videotaped lesson Establish / retain documentation of interventions Ensure candidate carries full teaching load and extracurricular activities / duties for a minimum of 10 consecutive weeks or 50 days AND continues in the placement until the last day of class ( December 7)
Reflective Journal Internship II/Student Teaching Respond in writing to at least 6 entries Purpose is to have interns reflect about their experiences Some programs have set journal formats – English If a program does not have a set format, feel free to provide the interns with an example. - http :// www. wcu. edu / asp http :// www. wcu. edu / asp
Internship II/Student Teaching Establish and retain documentation of all interventions ( consult with academic supervisor ) Notify and provide documentation of intervention ( i. e. action plan, conference ) to Lead University Supervisor, Director of Field Experiences and the appropriate program coordinator / department head regarding any concerns / issues related to intern performance. Suggested action plan template : http :// www. wcu. edu / WebFiles / PDFs / OFE _ IST _ ActionPlan. doc http :// www. wcu. edu / WebFiles / PDFs / OFE _ IST _ ActionPlan. doc
Internship II/Student Teaching Schedule midterm conference with CT / AS ( fall break October 15-19). CTC form : http :// www. wcu. edu / asp http :// www. wcu. edu / asp EE 3 should be completed & evaluated mid October EE 5 should be completed & evaluated by end of November EE 6 should be completed & evaluated by the last day of class Schedule final evaluation conference with CT / AS by last day of class ( December 7). Final CTC must have all applicable signatures. –CTC form : http :// www. wcu. edu / asp http :// www. wcu. edu / asp Note : Final evaluation must be posted in Task Stream AND the original paper copy must be submitted to OFE with signatures
Internship II/Student Teaching Submit final paperwork ( i. e. observations, checklists, grade sheets, signed Certification of Teaching Capacity form ) to OFE at end of semester Post final student grade to MyCat ( in collaboration with the CT / AS ) Verify all evaluations are completed by US / AS and CT to clear for licensure ! Remind students to submit all forms and fees required for licensure to the Licensure Specialist, Barbara Schade at : . wcu. edu or (828) wcu. edu
Intern II/ST Attendance Interns and CTs - keep records of hours / days in the classroom Students must notify the CT and US by phone if they must be absent Absences should be made up ASAP Student must work with the Director of Field Experiences and US if they are absent 3 or more days Absences for personal business are not permitted Interns who fail to meet attendance requirements will be removed from internship
Substitute Teaching Intern II / ST may substitute a maximum of 5 days only after they have been full - time teaching for two weeks Students are only allowed to substitute for their CTs in the classrooms in which they are placed ( variations should be cleared in advance with the Director of Field Experiences ) Intern II / ST may not hold or accept outside employment that interferes with the internship experience
Intern II/ST - Early Release Eligible for early release only if offered fulltime job as a long - term substitute teacher or as a teacher in his or her area of licensure Can occur only after the Intern II / ST has successfully completed ten consecutive weeks (50 days ) of fulltime teaching as required by NC Department of Public Instruction for licensure purposes
Internship II/Student Teaching Questions ?
Task Stream Task Stream information for faculty : http :// www. wcu. edu /9870. asp http :// www. wcu. edu /9870. asp Contact Lee Nickles at . wcu. edu or wcu. edu
Electronic Evidences A few important points… All EE ’ s must be evaluated by both the university rep ( US or AS ) and a school partner ( the CT ). All components of EE 3 must be at a 3+ before the I / ST teaches the unit. EE 5 must show positive gains in student learning to be acceptable. The I / ST must achieve a 3+ on all components of the CTC ( EE 4) to be licensed. Contact OFE is you feel an intern / student teacher will not meet the minimum scores by the end of the semester
Electronic Evidences Questions ? Discussion ?
Contact Information Office of Field Experiences – Killian 228 Phone:(828) Fax:(828) Lead University Supervisor: Sarah Reams Admin. Asst: Linda Raxter Website: Handbook: