1 LOUISIANA SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT SUPERVISOR’S TRAINING AND ORIENTATION Conducted by the LA State Soil & Water Conservation Commission at the Louisiana Association of Conservation Districts 1
2 This orientation will help you understand: Why SWCDs were formed SWCD Board responsibilities Your role as a Supervisor Louisiana’s Conservation Partnership
3 History of SWCDs Dust Bowls and Gullies – 1920’s extensive erosion by wind and water Harsh climatic conditions + Damaging land use practices = Epic natural disaster
4 History of SWCDs Hugh Hammond Bennett 1929 – USDA Bureau of Soils experiment stations 1933 – Civilian Conservation Corps 1933 – USDI Soil Erosion Service 1935 – USDA Soil Conservation Service 1994 – USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
5 History of SWCDs Land owners skeptical, situation critical Model legislation was sent to each state 1938 – LA Act No. 370; State Soil & Water Conservation Committee Formation of SWCDs began
6 History of SWCDs The Louisiana SWCD Law, Act No. 370, as amended, exists now as Title 3, Chapter 9, Parts 1 & 2 of the LA Revised Statutes
7 History of SWCDs
8 What is a Soil and Water Conservation District? What is the purpose Of a SWCD? Who controls or manages SWCDs? 8
9 Who are SWCD Supervisors? Local public officials Landowners Farm operators
10 Elections and Appointments 3 elected supervisors Nominating petitions Local referendum 2 appointed supervisors Appointed by the SWCC upon SWCD recommendation Associate supervisors Non-voting, no per diem Provide valuable info, insight Apprentice for full position
11 District Powers and Authorities Soil and Water Conservation Districts are governmental subdivisions of the State and exercise certain public powers. Conservation districts are given specific authorities by Louisiana Act No Louisiana RS: 3;
12 District Powers & Authorities To carry out preventive and control measures for better utilization of soil and water resources. To enter into agreements and furnish financial or other aid to any private or public agency or land user within the district for better utilization of soil and water resources and for removal of excess water as the supervisors deem necessary 12
13 District Powers & Authorities To obtain by purchase, exchange, lease, gift or otherwise, any real or personal property to accomplish the goals of the district. To make available to land users any equipment and materials needed to carry out soil and water conservation programs. 13
14 District Powers & Authorities To construct, improve, operate and maintain works of improvement as needed. To develop comprehensive plans for soil and water Management in the district and bring this information to the attention of the public. To take over and administer any soil conservation, flood prevention, drainage, irrigation, water management, erosion control or erosion prevention projects within the boundaries of the district. 14
15 District Powers & Authorities To accept contributions in money, services or materials from any source for use in carrying out the district program. To sue and be sued in the name of the district; to have perpetual succession unless terminated as provided in Act No. 370, as amended; To make and execute contracts and other instruments; and to make and amend rules and regulations as needed. 15
16 District Powers and Authorities As a condition to extending benefits on private lands, the district may require contributions in money, services, or materials, and may require landowners to enter into agreements or covenants regarding the permanent use of such lands to control erosion, flooding and sediment damages.
17 District Powers and Authorities To develop and enact through a local referendum, land use regulations within the district when needed to conserve soil and water resources, as provided in Act No. 370, as amended. To cooperate with other districts in the exercise of any of its powers. To combine, divide or discontinue a district by petition to the State Soil & Water Conservation Committee, as provided in Act No. 370, as amended. 17
18 District Powers and Authorities To organize irrigation, drainage or watershed development projects, to install, operate and maintain works of improvement such as levees, ditches and pumping stations.
19 There’s one thing Districts cannot do!!! As per Act No. 370, Districts do not have the power or authority to levy, assess, or collect any taxes or special assessments. 19
20 District Responsibilities Legality Control and prevention of soil erosion, prevention of damage from flood water and sediment, utilization and disposal of water, wise guidance in present and future use of state land resources. Active roles in water management for irrigation, drainage, flood control, recreation, pollution abatement, and fish and wildlife habitat. Soil surveys, erosion control practices, soil fertility and condition, and preserving agricultural land. Land and water management, landscape beautification, education and involvement of citizens in conservation programs. 20
21 District Responsibilities Methodology District board organization District board meetings Financial management Technical assistance 21
22 District Responsibilities Methodology District employees Intergovernmental cooperation Planning Education Reporting Equal opportunity 22
23 Duties of SWCD Supervisors Administration Assist in SWCD policy development Establish needs and priorities Long range & annual work plans Annual reports Solicit support for your district Maintain key contacts Working agreements MOU’s with USDA – NRCS Understand partnership relations Become familiar with Act No. 370 Supervisors handbook Board meetings
24 Duties of SWCD Supervisors Finance Secure adequate funding for the district Establish sound business procedures Adequate accounting & management Annual budget & financial report Efficient, judicious use of public funds
25 Duties of SWCD Supervisors Leadership Area and state meetings Local public opinion Active conservation recruitment Consult & cooperate with other entities Wear the SWCD hat Communicate outside meetings
26 Duties of SWCD Supervisors Education Who Units of government Businesses Civic organizations Professionals Universities, grade schools Libraries Churches Farmers, ranchers, land owners How Long range, annual plans & reports Soil Stewardship week Master Farmer Project WET S & W Conservation Society Meeting invitations Ag BMP field day demonstrations
27 The Louisiana Conservation Partnership 27
28 State Soil & Water Conservation Committee District policy, funding and regulatory decisions. Supervisor elections, appointments and resignations. District formation and discontinuance State Conservation Policy Information exchange between SWCDs Membership Chancellor, LSU Agricultural Center Commissioner, LDAF President, LACD 5 elected SWCC Area representatives 28
29 LDAF/Office of Soil & Water Conservation Office staff managed by LADF/OSWC Asst. Commissioner OSWC Asst. Commissioner serves as SWCC Exec. Director OSWC Staff duties: Administration SWCC Assistance to SWCDs Agriculture Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Coastal Restoration LDAF Conservation Project Management Environmental Education Agriculture By-Products BMP Program Prescribed Agricultural Burning. Special projects 29
30 History Federal Agency – established in 1935 Partnership – Model conservation district law in 1937 Federal ↔ State ↔ Local governments History and success intertwined with conservation districts “Helping People Help the Land”
31 Foundation Documents Mutual Agreement Cooperative Working Agreement Operational Agreement and local partnerships “Helping People Help the Land”
32 Mutual Agreement sharePartners share a common objective of assisting public and private landowners and users to utilize and manage natural resources in accordance with the capabilities and needs for protection and improvement. Signed by District, State, and Secretary of Agriculture “Helping People Help the Land”
33 Mutual Agreement independentEach party is independent responsibilitiesRespective responsibilities coordinate successful deliveryRecognizes the need to coordinate for successful delivery of conservation programs long-rangeImplement long-range natural resource conservation programs “Helping People Help the Land”
34 Mutual Agreement Secretary – continue to carry out broad conservation programs – technical, research, educational, and financial assistance State of Louisiana – continue commitment to aid in administration, coordination, financing and delivery of conservation programs through Districts Encourage agreements with other natural resource agencies Comply with nondiscrimination provisions contained in Law “Helping People Help the Land”
35 Cooperative Working Agreement Supplements the Mutual Agreement Establishes the relationship between NRCS, state and District Does not obligate funds Specific projects and activities must be under operational agreements “Helping People Help the Land”
36 Cooperative Working Agreement MutuallyMutually agree to: √Provide leadership in natural resource conservation √Listen √Anticipate √Respond to customer’s needs √Decision making at lowest level “Helping People Help the Land”
37 Cooperative Working Agreement (cont’d) MutuallyMutually agree to: √Respect private property rights √Advocate comprehensive resource management planning √Maintain and improve grass-roots delivery system √Build new alliance – expand partnerships “Helping People Help the Land”
38 Cooperative Working Agreement (cont’d) MutuallyMutually agree to: √Foster economically viable environmental policies √Improve quality of life for future generations √Conserve and enhance our natural resources “Helping People Help the Land”
39 Cooperative Working Agreement (cont’d) How to Get ‘er DoneHow to Get ‘er Done: √Advance and practice teamwork √Input in decision making process, coordination and cooperation √Capacity building – shared training √Share leadership and ownership ↔ credit and responsibility √Put quality first √Professionalism, dedication, and striving to improve “Helping People Help the Land”
40 Operational Agreements Optional Operational commitment between the local partners Developed as needed “Helping People Help the Land”
41 District Conservationist Communication –Resource issues –Programs –Establishing priorities Attend - Conservation District Board meetings – Report Support District priorities – (communicate) “Helping People Help the Land”
42 District Conservationist (can’t do) Handle funds or finances Hire, managing, supervising, evaluating or terminating conservation district personnel Manage district equipment or promote district services as a condition of Federal assistance “Helping People Help the Land”
43 Our GOAL: To be known as the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) providing assistance through local soil and water conservation districts. “Helping People Help the Land”
44 The Louisiana Association of Conservation Districts (LACD) Unified forum for all LA SWCDs and supervisors LACD benefits SWCDs, farmers and land owners Managed by Executive Board of Directors President 1 st Vice President 2 nd Vice President Sec.-Treasurer Past Presidents Immediate Past V. Presidents Immediate Past Sec.-Treasurer Area V. Presidents Area Directors
45 The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) Represents nearly 3,000 Conservation Districts and almost 15,000 supervisors Facilitates conservation and orderly development of America’s land, water and related resources through local self-government Works with Congress to justify funding and support to federal conservation agencies District Capacity Building Operational needs and Services Council Executive Committee
46 “What a frightful lack of foresight, and what terribly false economy it would be, if we did not go ahead with the soil conservation job” Hugh H. Bennett 34
47 Supervisors Handbook Reference Slide No.Handbook page No.State LawPPM 3-5III 6-7general reference§ § I, II, 12§ § §12084,10, § ,2,3,9, § § ,10, § § § , 25-27§ , 27, 41, 46RS 36;628G 3032§ III, 2, 5, 18, 23, 26, 27, 32, 39, 40§1203, § §1204 A.(1)(a)33